my expression

>> Friday, June 15, 2007

The worst feeling that you can feel is when you feel nothing. Something like empty. have you ever felt nothing? have you ever been in a situation when you try your best to be something that you might be good at and all of a sudden, one question that pops out from your mouth made all that effort go away becoz of the question mite b miscontrued as something else.. and you kinda get taken aback becoz u never tot that that question was even a question that was relevant. i mean, all u did was juz ask a question. but bcoz of sum miscommunication or somesort, all those effort was left in vain when u get "you still don;t get it".. well maybe you really don't get it. but was you really don't get is that how could that question be miscontrued to something so negative when all you wanted to do was just ask a question out of curiosty.. and you're feeling kinda down bcoz of something that really matters to you is worry you and everything seems to just fall apart. when your frens don't get how it is that you can't hang out as much because of a reason that you have explained but somehow, it will always always be your fault because you have a history.. and no matter how clear you make things look so that people might comprehend, they just can't because they are not in your shoes and they will never be because your shoes aren't theirs to fit. and somehow just somehow, things just go wrong at the wrong place and the wrong time.. when all you wanted was to help.. sometimes being helpful is best when you're helping the ones that you really care.. and really cares for you..because no matter what, the people that truly care and truly understand are the ones who will be there for you no matter what happens, no matter how shitty things may look no matter how dirty their hands mite get..


my my my

>> Thursday, June 14, 2007

after a long time of not blogging, here i am now. although i don't think i have as much readers here compared to my 15blankpages blog. anyway, things have been moving fast lately.. i'm always chasing cars or chasing time. not that i have that much to do, but time flies when you;re trying to finish up your write up on your dissertation. to sum things up, time flies but i'm kinda standing still. it's like that video clip, where the singer is standing still but people around are moving so fast.. im kinda feeling like dat.. will update later on things when i'm not standing so still.. as much..


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