my henna

>> Saturday, December 29, 2007

This is what i did on a really boring saturday afternoon... besides taking a nap.. you see, its the time of the month again... the gaji time.. and last week we got our gaji.. walaupun ayat ni takde relevant pun tapi i wanna go out sangat2 but im just very lazy because last week dah kencang gi wedding.. i have my green eyed contact lens to show off tapi mcm malas nak pakai.. you see, it the time of the month.. the lazy time...

selain daripada itu, activity blogging pun telah diadakan and sessi tukar2 color telah berlaku.. previously the blog was black in color and now i've changed it to maroon-pink kinda..

can't wait for ikhwan to come back from london so that i can hear his stories yippie!!!


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