my ring

>> Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Beatles sang, Money can't buy me love.. Certainly not.. but it sure can buy me a ring! This month is the month of spoiling myself. yup, i figured i kinda owe it to myself.. Since, bole la i feel like i've been working hard.. so why not?
For 3 weeks in a row, i've had 2 old town white coffee OTWC (which im starting to like) and a few Starbucks to keep me up at night and San Francisco Coffee while chilling at midvalley.. yup.. i havent been going out for almost 3 months.. weekends there's usually something to do.. cause i occupy myself with projects.. cewah.. or work..
i also bought a few baju formyself... and some presents for my niece and nephews..
and today, i bought myself a ring... saje saje je... :)


dyanna 4:43 PM  

Iced or Hot OTWC?
I dunno abt you, but I think the cold one is better than the hot one becoz the it's less sweeter. But I prefer a hot drink rather than the cold one.

Another problem with the hot OTWC is that it's not actually white? By white, does that mean they put milk or creamer in it? But whatever that they put in it, they shud put more.

(** hehe.. membebel je aku ni)

lucky 10:05 PM  

hehehhe wow.. pjg2.. kat OTWC i've only tried the iced blended nyer.. tp kalau yg hot hot aku suke starbucks nyer... best~ dgn san fran...

haah laaa.. OTWC punyer coffee is not even white! i just noticed!

Dewibayu 11:31 PM  

wow.... thats a very long deduction Cik Yah.... ^_^

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