my haircut

>> Saturday, March 01, 2008

last two weeks has been very crazy for me.. i didnt get much rest or much sleep.. had to submit 2 final examination questions with answer scheme plus format and stuff.. but alhamdulillah i managed to finish it on time.. so yesterday, kena buat kerja2 yang important but not urgent like filing, updating stuff.. and other admin stuff yang lecturers kena buat (yup, we are paid not only to teach but also to manage and do other stuff which are important but not urgent. yes, important but not urgent).

so friday was a YIPPIE! day.. so when i drove back, though it was raining, i managed to squeeze myself to the salon and get myself a haircut. rambutku yang sudah panjang, pekat, berat, and lebat serta beralun sudah mula memeningkan + mengserabutkan kepala.. and the twins like to pull my hair whenever they get the chance..

so, wash, syampoo and cut cost me RM35, which was worth it. cause the syampoo gurl was nice..urut2 kepala..[sila lah ker Cut Inn SS5 for really quality service.. seriusly.. dia siap payungkan sampai ke kereta] its nice to spoil urself once in a while.. especially when you've been working extra hard to earn some decent extra income.. and it really paid off... so, alhamdulillah :)

today pun i spoiled myself with some oldtown white coffee treat.. i treated my brother and sis in law sebab terigt mase my parents went to umrah, i stayed at their house for 2 weeks.. guess i owe it to them..

ada lagi nak blog pjg lagi but skrg ni nak berchatting dgn org jauh kejap.. yeah, we've only got weekends to talk nowadays since both of us sedang sibuk mencari rezeki... post yang selepas ni pasti hangat bangat sangat sangat.. tunggggguuuu sampai penat... hehehe


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