28 darjah selsius

>> Thursday, July 24, 2008

Why the title ? I dunno. I am at the office right now with my aircond temperature running at 28 darjah selsius (as they always say in RTM news). My room mate has gone to Shah Alam for some university matters.

I have this business maths text book in front of me to be read, studied and digested. Tp agaknyer sbb 28 darjah selsius maka dia punye processor is running slowly now.. oh well, i can just walk a few steps forward and change the temperature.. or i just sit here and continue blogging..

Gaji is coming soon WOOHOO! why am i so happy ? yes. next week, i will be taking the whole week off! the whole week you! before the semester starts.. needs some refreshing to do..

my significant other will be flying back to KL on Tuesday.. So i am planning to pick him up.. i have some surprises tapi tak bole la ckp sini.. kot kot dia baca kang tak fun la.. heheheh

yup2.. so random dora.. takde ke topic yg mcm thought provoking, mind stimulating sket ? well, actually no.. sorry..

i browsed through facebook and friendster tadi.. so im abit FACEBOOKED and FRIENDSTERED la.. alot of ideas alot of ideas.. but my thinking cap is left at jalan tebrau and im gonna have to pick it up there la kot before i can start blogging secara betul betulan again...

BTW, where is jalan tebrau ? and why did i say that ? must be the 28 darjah selsius kot..

[CHANGING TEMPERATURE TO 25].... aaaaaaahhh.. much better.. oh well, will blog again later..


PS : did u see gossipgirl last night ?????? mygod.. suspen2


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