
>> Wednesday, July 23, 2008

According to dictionary.com >>

-ism (noun) : a distinctive doctrine, theory, system, or practice.

I told my room mate, i have a very provoking topic to blog about. and she asked, "Thought provoking or provoking?" and i said "provoking."

so what's up with the ism? what im gonna blog about is EGOism. what had triggered my to write about this topic is because of several incidents that has been occurring around me.. not to me.. but just surrounding me..

kalau orang melayunya ada sebut, bodoh sombong . Dia bodoh tapi sombong nak bertanya.. or minta tolong.. but sampai bila ? if orang mat salleh sebutnya as egoism..

tapi ego ni ada beberapa kategori..

Kategori 1:
Ego yg hot. ego yg orang suka.. kategori badboy.

Kategori 2:
Ego yg biasa2.. normal ego..

Kategori 3:
Ego yg nampak mcm dia tau apa nak buat.. tp sebenarnya doesnt have a clue.

Kategori 4:
Ego yg nampak superior tp sebenarnya dia inferior...

Kategori 5:
Ego yg snyap2... ego yg tak nak ditunjuk.. ego yg tak nampak sangat..

See, i have encountered all these type of people.. and i wonder.. do they know that they are being egoistic?

Share with me the types of ego people that you have encountered...


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