
>> Friday, July 18, 2008

Teaching and Learning.. and Sharing.

I am sorry for not updating my blog. It seems like this blog dah ada spiderwebs dah kat tepi tepi dia. Reason being is that I haven't had the time to really sit and blog. And I didn't want to blog about some trivial and random stuff.

My last blog was somewhere in the middle of June. Filled with some disappointments and anger. And as many of you know, our VC was told to leave our institution within 24 hours. He had called for press conference however did not say much. We still wonder why was the conference held. Anyways, I can't say much.

Some updates about myself. I bought a new camera. It's a DSLR Canon 400D with 18 - 55 mm. It was my birthday present. (NICE! Thanks a lot I LOVE IT, you know who you are). That's why I have been quite occupied lately. Work is OK. The system is now closed. Therefore, the students will be getting their results pretty soon. Can't comment much about that either. Business is not bad. Moving but moving slowly la sket. But at least it's moving. Alhamdulillah

This week has been a very interesting and refreshing week. I went to the SAS Forum and met some people from various industries. We exchanged ideas and information. It was an eye opener and truly interesting. Today we had our QUALITY Assurance meeting. It was nice and refreshing as well. I guess being in the committee can be sometimes overwhelming however I feel that I am somewhat significant to the society.

Life has been up and down within this one month. Some good news, some bad ones, some exciting ones, some so-so ones. Reality is, life is never dull. A lot of self-realization thingy happened. I will blog about it one day. I LEARNED what life has TAUGHT me. and I wanna SHARE with some of the readers in my next post.

Tonight I will be going for some night shots. Wish me luck.


GG (gossip girl hehe) @ dj


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