cheesy malay song..and how things relate

>> Monday, September 22, 2008

there's a song from this one female malay singer i can't recall who... "yang terindah hanya sementara" .. i cant quite agree with her.. but i can't say that she's wrong.. it's like when i ask my students, "what is statistics ? " bole jawab ker ? if hafal skema jawapan dia.. bole la.. the truth is.. its very subjective...

thats why people don't agree on statistics.. cause it's based on sample.. and different sample will give you different results.. and because it is random.. and it varies.. so, you have a distribution.. a probability distribution... and its probable that the true value of falling into the distribution is possible... although its very subjective.. at times, you can make it objective but getting the right sample...

so back to the song.. hw do u know the song "yang terindah hanya sementara" falls into the right sample ? give it to people who just had their hearts broken.. those are the right ones..

as for me, yang terindah is when you make it.. and it just happen when you least expect it... but when there are expectations.. or great expectations.. there is a pressure for all four corners.. and where there is pressure, there's a force that's forcing it to go the opposite side... however, when you control a certain variable to experiment it, it just somehow happens.. like that visking tube experiment.. at a certain water temperature, the water just penetrates through the tube.. or something like that... that is terindah... thats science and statistics for ya.. and some cheesy malay song..


shazzain 11:34 AM  

Nice way of relating stats & sampel data...yeah I agree!!

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