Discrimination towards lefthanded people

>> Sunday, September 21, 2008

I am now trying to learn how to cook (like for real). Since i am almost 18 now, I feel dat its paramount that I, a lady, knows how to cook..

So there i was, trying to peel the kulit for timun.. and then, i realized yang the peeler tu tak bole nak pakai... sbbnyer it was specially made for right handed people!

a lot of other events yg menyedarkan i pada fenomena ini.. contohnya FLIP CHAIRS dat we have in UNISEL... utk org2 right handed jer.... so sometimes i nak duduk and tulis... susah....



shazzain 11:32 AM  

heh..didnt notice got difference...kesian...still dora..dun try to escape the kitchen work just because ur left handed! ahaks!

Carole Seawert 11:29 PM  

We lefties have to put up with a lot, adapting to life in a right-handed world.....

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