divine intervention

>> Friday, October 23, 2009

I brought back home some unsubscribed magazines that has been wrongly sent to my office for the past year. One headline caught my attention.

'Pa, what's divine intervention?'
My dad pointed up with his index finger.
'Ooooo.. tapi kenapa divine intervention?'

He explained that the world intervention came from the word intervene. And I immediately understood.

Yesterday, before reaching home about 730pm, I saw a guy on a motorcycle parked nearby my front door neighbour and he looked suspicious. Because where I live, people don't just hang out, my housing area is abit secluded. So a foreign person sitting there just looks weird. So I circled the whole area 3 times and called my mom informing her about the suspicious person. My mom then called our neighbour and i parked my car in front of her house as she waited by the gate and we casually acted like we borak2.. i left my lights open and pointed straight at him. i guess he felt uneasy and put on his helmet and just left. i called the police to inform them about it and they came to make rounds nearby our neighbourhood.

2 hours later, my brother called telling me that yesterday, same incident happened at the other neighbourhood to a lady who came back from work around my time. she went out from the car and he got mugged by a guy with a parang.

that news shook me up big time. alhamdulillah nothing happened to me. if that person had bad intentions, it was really Divine intervention that had saved me.
alhamdulillah...... really....


dyanna 11:12 PM  

Good gut feeling and intuition. Alhamdulillah, a crime was prevented.

lucky 7:40 PM  

Alhamdulillah.. I am truly thankful. Wouldnt wanna imagine what would've happened..

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