2 thirds of my sleeping time

>> Monday, November 09, 2009

I always thought that statistics is cooler than calculus. There are always new research especially in social science that you can check out from many many journals. Or sometimes they just publish it in the papers and Prof. or Dr. can give conclusions and comments on it (when the ones who did the real dirty jobs are Research Assistants). I had some gigs as a Statistician. From Raw Primary Data to real conclusions and inferences. I keyed in every data, I could comprehend or predict the outcomes.

For tomorrow's tutorial, I decided to create my own Tutorial questions rather than selecting from the text book. When I was brushing my teeth earlier, I thought of examples that my students can relate to so that they will remember hopefully for the rest of their lives. I stumbled upon an interesting fact. Nielson did a study and found out that the average time per person spend on facebook.com is 4 hours and 39 minutes. Sheeishh.. That's almost 2/3 of my sleeping time. Now I can understand Ikhwan's FB status a few weeks back (He is not an FB fan hehe).

The semester will be ending soon and as usual, I will have this weird feeling. Yes. Its called sedih but happy. Happy that I did my job and carried out my responsibilities not only as an academician but also as a big sister. Of course sad. Sad that I dont know when I will ever see them again. Will they remember me or apply whatever I have taught them. Scared. Hope. Hoping that they will be a successful person one day. I dont really mind if they forget me. Knowing that they have achieved their goals in life, I would be the sidelines apart from their parents and family members who will silently share their joy and happiness.

I ended my tutorial paper with this quote:

When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option. It’s a necessity.- Steve Pavlina.

This one is dedicated to my dear husband, Ikhwan.

I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

-Notting Hill

I love you b :)
Get a new phone already k hehe.. nnt nak call camne? I know you are reading :)


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