get this

>> Sunday, November 08, 2009

I have an announcement...

This is my 500th post! woohoo! Thank you thank you.. (angkat tangan to the crowd)..

Yes, if only I could devote my time to really writing something, say, a novel, perhaps I could publish one already (if its worthy enough to be published)..

I want to make this special. I want to make my 500th post something that is very 500-y. ok.. nothing 500-y comes to mind.

Its a warm sunday afternoon and I just finished my zohor prayers. Its somesort of a lazy sunday. I woke up significantly late and did all the things I had to do. Yesterday Ikhwan shared with me how he cleaned up his house (kudos bb!) and it triggered me to do the same. I rearranged the furnitures in my room and it looks abit spacious now compared to before.

Other updates, starting this month, I am seriously serious about being more serious. I just realized that I am in my LATE 20s.. (gasps) oh dear. But why dont I feel so? apa masalahnya ? I guess its good to feel young and vibrant (ok, you can puke now) since most of the time, I am surrounded with young and vibrant people (my students). sometimes the guess the lecturer's age game would be playing in their minds and the numbers that they come up with could be flattering. of course some knows my real age lah.

I used to start my mornings with '$h!t Im late.. again!' Now I am abit more relaxed and organized. It was my new year's resolution.... back in 2004. haha.

Its good that time is flying fast. Its already november and the year it about to end. Time flies fast when you have a lot of things to do. Especially if you have to travel almost 70 kms for almost 2 hours to get to work in a ghetto area, it can be tiring. But fulfilling and rewarding.

I spend my weekends with my husband (im not used to referring him as hubby.. i dont know why) online, time for myself and for my family and friends. Recharge my batteries as I need to use maximum and optimum energy for work and study.

Today my facebook status reads 'late 20s huh?'

Really... seriously ?

I am thankful to be alive, happy and healthy and I do feel young and vibrant :)


Anonymous 2:20 AM  

500 posts eh? Grats. Also, the word "hubby" is retarded. Tell your friends.

lucky 8:10 PM  

chill haris

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