my ASTRO weekend

>> Sunday, February 17, 2008

on friday, after my anak2 sedara tidor, i sat in front of the tv.. i flipped through the channels and only to find nothing good on ASTRO.. starworld had TNA wrestling.. and semua citer boring2... till i clicked on PRIMA... and guess what was on tv.. PRamlee's Labu Labi...

dalam bnyak2 citer, citer pramlee jugak yg best.. ever green.. and you'll never get bored of it..
so in one of the scenes, mase labu labi was imagining themselves as magistrate and doctors.. they showed a scene in a night club... and there was a fashion show from multiracial ladies.. ada cina, indian, mat salleh, orang melayu... and i thought, wow.. this legend... it fascinating how he portrayed a muhibbah country.. and even though his jokes are the ones that you'll just laugh even though you've seen the movie a hundred times...

and how ironic, when i switched on the BBC tv today, we have hindraf as the highlights of the news...

and another ironic part, in that exact scene, PRamlee as labi said "aku harap PRamlee tu mati masa muda dan cepat2... "
"kenapa?" labu asked
"supaya aku bole kahwin dgn itu saloma... hahahaha"

aint it freaky?


Soraya 8:38 PM  

betul, mmg evergreen, tp I x berapa suka tgk yg dramatic mcm ibu mertuaku etc.. too menyayat hati..he's THAT good

lucky 7:41 PM  

hehehe... ooo.. my favourite is ibu mertuaku... classic! and i cry EVERYTIME i watch it... i even bought the CD... yeah.. he's THAT good.. hehehe

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