my dad's gear box

>> Tuesday, February 05, 2008

If only our lives were more like gear boxes. u can easily change gears when you speed up or have the momentum going.. and the best part, go to reverse gear when you overpass a junction. Yes. a junction. a junction in your life, when you're supposed to take a turn at that exact juntion but didn't. maybe you didn't see, maybe you decided not to just yet, maybe you weren't sure of the junction or maybe you just didn't bother to look at the junction.. but in life.. there are no reverse gears.. you can't just decide you wanna make a turn and do a 3-point turn and reverse.. If only.. Life was more like a gear box...


Amy Amir 8:07 PM  

Nice pic..cewah dah the blurry thingy dah..bravo!

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