my update

>> Friday, February 22, 2008

UPATES JER : yesterday was Cap Goh Mey (not sure of the spelling).
Its a chinese valentine where chinese gurls throw oranges into the river with the hopes of getting their jodoh. this event is originated from Penang, so it's a chinese Malaysian ritual.. so sempena this festive event, marks the end of chinese new year celebration.. and i finally got the chinese songs that i've been searching for years!

1. Beyond's Hoi Fut Tin Hong (susah gile nak dpt lagu ni ok)
2. S.H.E's Superstar (lagu glemer)
3. S.H.E's Tong Quai Qi Ai (pun lagu glemer)

i got it from my students.. coolness...

anyway, it has been a pretty hectic week.. and i realized how precious time is.. yes, i had to complete my final exam questions > translation, kelas tidak boleh dicancelkan so i gave them exercises to do [smart move kan?] heh hehe..

we had vetting today.. and believe me, lepas vetting, mmg lapar giler nak mampus.. ada crack sket la kat kepala.. memandangkan semua lecturer statistics mempresentkan final question diorg.. and i realized my questions agak susah.. so hmmm mcmner yer? what if ramai tak score? i think ramai tak score is still ok.. what if ramai FAIL? gosh!

good news though, i managed to call almost 30+ people to go for the photography session.. yeay! and another good news.. claim baru sampai tadi.. i dunno how much though.. well at least RM 20 - RM 30 tu ok la jugak.. i guess im starting to value money... mcm... RM20 tu bole buat mcm2 tau actually... seriously...

another good news, a lecturer requested for me to do a research on her data.. cool... means [$] and.. of course experience and ilmu yang berharga :) .. on top of that, she also requested that i give a talk on a workshop that they will be doing soon for their students on SPSS... mean [more $] hehe.. yer laa nak kompol duit.. for my wishlist :)

hey freaky, Chap Goh Meh falls on the day of the eclipse of the moon... nice~

ok.. tulisan mcm merepek2 sbb tgh lapar giler.. waiting for my friend dia belikan nasi... oooh dah sampai.. later people!


mangchikla 12:19 AM  

Psst Dora, ask your Chinese student " What's a leng noi? it seems od my blog reader calling me that...".... I dare u!!!

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