Lesson Learned #1

>> Tuesday, April 29, 2008

After many sleepless nights and feeling worried and everything related to that feeling, with the help of my Dean, my Dean's PA, we managed to persuade the Registrar to reactivate the system to rectify my problem. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who experienced this. However, we were the ones who met personally with the one in charge and waited till she said, "Ok, jalan."

Oh well, i guess it all comes back to how serious you are with your work. The one you earn money with. And with that money you give back to your parents and buy food and becomes your flesh and blood. I'm not saying I am an angel (ni selalu ayat my room mate hehe), but at least when we are appointed to do something, do it. Even if it goes wrong, be accountable for your actions and admit it's your mistake. Cause I learned that if you are honest, people can see your honesty. Biar pun kena tengking or maki hamun. At least you are transparent.

So a big lesson for me... check, recheck and check again..


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