A reflection of how the society thinks and acts

>> Sunday, April 27, 2008

I spent my Sunday evening at home catching up on some tv shows that I haven't had the chance to watch since... as far as I can remember. So my mom and I managed to watch the last episode of "Kerana Cintaku Saerah" which was on 5pm. The scene when Jibek came with Yaya to Eira's house brought tears to my eyes.. What really made me cry was when Eira took Jibek's hands and asked him to print his thumb on the paper when Jibek didn't know what was really happening. What kind of human is this? A mother, a wife, a daughter.. who has such a black black heart to do such a thing. Although she was driving a black BMW with her plat number EIR4, does not mean anything if she doesn't have her mother's blessing.. sad sad..

I'm not a fan of Malay dramas. They can be too stereotype at times. But sometimes, the message conveyed is a reflection of how the society thinks and acts. How people can hate each other because of fame and fortune. Evil eyes watching you as you succeed in life. People envious of your honesty, recognition and life. Friends who betray you and talking behind your back. People commenting on how you are so lucky when deep down inside they wish it was them instead of you.

I guess we can't run from all these things. In a developing country like ours, we are bound to bump into evil eyes, envious people and backstabbers. But only from protection for Allah, parents' blessings and from our own prayers we can avoid all this..

May Allah protect us..


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