Postcards and Letters

>> Sunday, April 27, 2008

I'm still looking for a good and cool template for my blog.. kan ke best if i know how to buat sendiri.. pakai html and stuff instead of picking from blogger's template...

Well, i kemas my room today. and i saw some old postcards that i still keep from my dad, brother and sister, my cousins and friends..

Remember those days when we used to send postcards and letters to say hi and update people about how we're doing? Since cellphones are widely used nowadays, we seldom get any postcards or letters from our relatives or friends kan? Perasan x? All we get are just credit card bills, catalogs, ASTRO bills, phone bills, semua pun bill bill lah kan? Bila time raya je kot dpt card raya... Did you get any this year?

Lame2, postman takde kerja... the indian man yang jual roti pun nnt dah takde kerja.. plus, the ice cream man yang bunyik kan loceng kol 3 petang pun dah takde kerja nnt..


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