She says He says: Part 2

>> Friday, April 25, 2008

He walks at his usual pace. Tak... tak... tak... tak... Ok ignore it. I still have my deadline which is at 11.59 am. Report to be submitted to GM every 13th of the month. I hate the 13th. Can't wait to have the usual monthly Starbucks Coffee with Din at the end of the day.

"Enter... and..... Done! I'm done I'm done! Clear the printer everyone!"
Yup. That's how it is every month on the 13th before it reaches noon. As i ran to pick up my printed report i slipped and fell. Gedebuk! It felt like one of those scenes in an American movies like Devil Wears Prada or something...

"Ha cepat la.. dah 11.53! Nnt nk naik elevator lagi, nak lari lagi ke bilik dia.. u have 6 minutes woman!" Myra said as she held out her hand to me. All I could think about was my Caramel Macchiato... Dah tak larat dah.. I wanna send it ASAP and take the rest of the day off.. Ok cepat2..

I stood up and took the warm and fresh printed report and ran as fast as I could (with my new leather shoes). Luckily the elevator was already open when i reached there.

Phew~ "Thanks" There was a guy with his 3-piece suit. I waited anxiously as the elevator door open at level 23... wait... level 23?????


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