now THIS is my 199th post

>> Friday, May 09, 2008

Ok now THIS is my 199th post. I had to delete one of the posts because of some reason that i do not want to reveal here.

Updates : I'm 27 now! yippie. Why am I so happy being 27 ? I guess I am thankful to Allah that I am healthy, and I am happy that I have my loving and supporting family, loving and caring Ikhwan and great friends surrounding me. Alhamdulillah.

I decided not to dread aging, instead, embrace it. After watching my dear late nephew, Rafiq, who suffered a terminal disease, how he was happy to see everyone although he was sick, I realized that being healthy is a blessing that we should all be thankful for. Being able to walk, talk and think and live for another day to appreciate Allah's creation is a wonderful gift.

I am still reading Tuesdays with Morrie. Absorbing every life lesson and every quote. I guess when you have a positive vibe, you sorta bring that aura to everyone. Which is why I try to avoid negative thinking people so that I won't bring myself down. I can't deny, there are times that I am down, but I appreciate that feeling and detach myself from it after thinking and praying.

So, here's a Happy 27th Birthday to me (6th May 1981).

P/S: Will upload pictures soon :)


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