save the pendrive, save the world

>> Thursday, May 15, 2008

I read on my colleague's Skype status : "save the pendrive, save the world". A story about pendrive, my room mate recently misplaced her pendrive and yesterday SMSed me when she found it at the most unexpected place.

What got me to write this entry is that it got me thinking about how bizzare it is that anything that is almost everything can be kept in such a small device.. a pendrive. Just like what Azman said, "save the pendrive, save the world".. perhaps, my room mate's world was saved when she was united with her pendrive..

A story to share, I twisted my ankle... again, today at our PKP. Left leg this time.. only that it wasn't as bad compared to last time..

Another story to share, a student came over and asked for his paper to be remarked. He failed and his CGPA dropped to less than 2.00. Now he can't get PTPTN loan for this semester. So he asked me nicely if I could help him out.. Predicament, predicament.. We followed the procedure. He had to pay some amount of $ for his paper to be rechecked, only to find out that his marks were lower but the grade didn't change. So when I called him to tell him the news, he was begging me and telling me that he is orang susah, mak dia tak sehat, nak sponsor adik, ayah dia pencen..

As a human being, I felt his pain and problem. As a lecturer who tries to think straightly and logically, I thought, well, if he really is an orang susah as he claimed, perhaps, he should've struggled for his finals. Nak citer, orang susah, ada orang lain lagi susah bole jer score..

I don't know, is it my fault ? Did I not teach well ? He never came and see me and talked about his problems. He never came for consultation. How far can a teacher do to teach ? How far will a student go to succeed in their studies ?

Looking at his results he got C, C+,C- somewhere around there.. Was it me who did not do my job ? I guess even if I have saved his results in my pendrive, I can never really save someone else's world...

Here's to a Happy Teacher's Day


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