Shaz's Tag

>> Friday, May 16, 2008

7 random facts about me:
1. I am left handed
2. I cannot swallow pills
3. I can only fold my bread into a triangle instead of a square
4. I am constantly eating or chewing something
5. I sing in the shower
6. I walk real fast
7. I hate uncertainties

7 things that scares me:
1. flying cockroaches
2. interviews
3. really tall people
4. clown
5. ice cream man
6. uncertainty
7. supernatural things

7 random music at the moment:
1. Forever (Beach Boys)
2. Don't Worry Baby (Beach Boys)
3. Engkar (BCL)
4. Lagu Untukmu (Meet Uncle Hussain)
5. La la la la kerja (Meet Uncle Hussain)
6. Cancer (MCR)
7. Disenchanted (MCR)

7 things I say the most:
2. FREAK!!
3. seriously ?????
4. Biar benar ??
5. You're kidding ???
6. Oo mak datin!
7. OK beres

7 things I treasure the most (material things):
1. my car
2. my bling bling
3. my handphone
4. my mp3 player
5. my laptop
6. my watch
7. my purse

7 "first time" things I ever did:
1. went for banana boat on our family PD trip
2. went to a backstage of an award winning live show (Anugerah Planet Music)
3. got admitted to hospital after submitting my dissertation
4. i was the first person to wash my twin nephew's poo-poo when they were born
5. first time i ever did this thing on my blog
6. this year was first time i ever declared my taxes
7. first time and last time falling in love hehe

7 people to do this:
1. Edura
2. Dyanna
3. Nadia
4. Sherifah
5. Farah wahdani
6. Wan Rohani
7. Narisha


dyanna 10:55 AM  

tak tahu pun ko nih lefty!
freak ! (haha.. just wanna know how it feels like saying that word, no offence, i hope ;) )

mangchikla 4:22 PM  

7 "first time" things I ever did:, no 6, never a last time , "freakazoid"

lucky 5:30 PM  

dyanna : none taken ;) hehehe.. feels kinda cool though being a lefty.. tapi aku takde rupa kan ? sbb cara aku pegang pen mcm orang right handed.. hehehe

mangchikla : "freaks" me out la isi2 borang tu.. luckily LHDN owes me $.. heheheheheh

mangchikla 5:35 PM  

Beg pardon milady, I was actually referring to , ehemm, cough, cough, wheeezzz.."no 7" actually. Taxes too routine..

lucky 8:58 PM  

eh jap tak paham .. kenapa lak never a last time ? hmm isu menarik untuk diperbincangkan... hehe

Anonymous 10:25 PM  

dora..hugsss!!!!-farah wahdani

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