tukar channel

>> Sunday, May 25, 2008

I wonder how does Faizal Tahir's hair is so nicely combed. Dia pakai syampoo apa aa? I met FT in person and he's a very down to earth guy.. perhaps all artists are cause if they're not, they'll lose their fans.. and here in Mesia, artists really have to struggle to make it in the industry..

Ever wonder why the artist omputih can still buy their X5s and own a big mansion like the ones in MTV cribs even when there are a lot of piracy ? Kenapa artist Malaysia asik2 argue the same thing in Melodi tv3 hari ahad... memperjuangkan artis tempatan ? asik2 ckp kenapa org kite nak dgr lagu omputih lagu indon.... hello?? ever heard of quality music ? in my personal opinion, nowadays susah nak dpt really quality musicians kat mesia.... boleh kira dgn tangan...

OMG siapa laa yg menyanyi ni kat GangStarz nih ? (one nation mc??) Sumbang habes...

*click* tukar channel....


dyanna 1:56 PM  

aku rasa sebab artis kat US tu kaya sebab:
1. America is the land of opportunity. The place where your American dream will be materialised if you work smart and hard enough.

2. Because US has like millions of population more than Malaysia. So there is where the excess money comes from.

3. Their music goes global. Does not just stay stagnant in their country. Their music just goes everywhere.. US, UK, Malaysia, Africa,Europe.. as long as people there understand english. We need to break the language barrier.

4. Their buying power is higher than us. We have import duties, so beemers cost more than over there.

Hehehe..suka hati aku je membuat spekulasi.

lucky 8:08 PM  

hehehhe... very well said :)
cuma part language tu, ada gak malaysian artists yang nyanyi in english especially those ala-ala rappers tu... tp i think music is universal.. regardless of language.. kalau lagu tu dah best, mmg best juga la.. tp the 3 factors tu highly contribute to the success of western music industry..

tapi kan... let us sambung diskusi pada post yang seterusnya...

mangchikla 1:10 AM  

Y FT 180 degrees about turn ? he was with Nirwana nasyid group kan? Err, my kids told me lar..Agak nyer die minat nak jadi "Suparman" kot. N nooooooo, i'm not being judgemental... ekekekekk ciakkk!!!

dyanna 3:35 PM  

this is a 'de ja vu' to me. Remember when Yassin came out from Brothers and embarked into a new genre of music from his previous mainstream? Yeah, it was a big debate for us college student during our usrah time.. I dpn't understand why they make it a big fuss then. Sekarang pun tak paham lagi..

dyanna 3:36 PM  

Tu la, music is universal. Klu tak, aku takkan minat lagi hindi.. eheheh..

mangchikla 4:34 PM  

I'm not about to start a polymic , tq. muekekekekke

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