Ayat - Ayat Cinta

>> Friday, October 10, 2008

Today's faculty meeting started with Dr.K quoted from surah Al-An'am ayat 95.

Verily! It is Allâh Who causes the seed­grain and the fruit­stone (like date­stone, etc.) to split and sprout. He brings forth the living from the dead, and it is He Who brings forth the dead from the living. Such is Allâh, then how are you deluded away from the truth?

Dr.K too mentioned about Islamization Knowledge and how we as an educator can synthesize the ethics of Islam in knowledge and its application.

I had a good time watching Ayat - ayat cinta.. it had brought tears in my eyes watching how sincere yet beautiful love is in the eyes of Islam. I also learned that taaruf or dalam bahasa Indonesianya dibilang "perkenalan". dan ada kalanya perkenalan itu sukses atau ngak.

A very refreshing and enlightening movie. It made me cry, it made me think, it made me learn.. how beautiful ayat - ayat cinta is.. In the eyes of Islam..

Cinta is sacrifice
Cinta is finding truth
Cinta is accepting truth
Cinta is accepting people
Cinta is subjective
Cinta is words on a piece of paper
Cinta is beautiful

I also learned that Islam teaches us advices should be accepted and embraced by anyone.. regardless religion or age..

May we all learn and benefit from each other.. InsyaAllah
(ok, cikyah aku mcm terpengaruh blog ko jer?)


Amy Amir 10:26 AM  

Best banget love story nih..so beautiful kan..kan..

lucky 12:28 PM  

Very THE!!

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