Into the Blue, Alpha and Yellow and time value
>> Wednesday, October 22, 2008
watching SUPERHOT jessica alba (oh, come on.. am i wrong??) in Into The Blue made me feel like jumping in here :
Wish I could have this one day:Dari manakah asalnya gambar2 nih ? Definitely not from me. Hehe.. I told my students to go on a holiday after their finals to refresh, rejuvinate and rewind (sepatutnya unwind tapi nak jugak the re- hehehe ).
After giving their Test 1 results, ada yang muka2 hampa, muka2 terkejut, muka2 (aku dah agak dah), and ada yg muka whatever... So I gave them a little boost in their confidence.. I don't think I am their favourite lecturer and I definitely teach their least most favourite subject, hehe.. But I think I can dive into their minds a little and put myself in their shoes. So I try my best to be the one lecturer that they are not afraid of to ask questions at the same time not the one they can mess around with.. (not an easy job, really) .. But its a teaching and learning process.. everyday i teach and i learn new characters, new tricks, old tricks (been there, done that), new perspective, new ideas on how to make the learning experience exciting and memorable. Only that, the one who evaluates me (SKT aka dalam bhs omputih is KPI) are the ones who never entered my class. based on surveys conducted during the end of the semester. where students just tick 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, if they like the lecturer or 1,1,1,1,1 for their least favourite lecturer.
In statistics, to test the reliability of the survey data is through Cronbach alpha. but how sincere are we when we answer survey forms? being a statistician myself, when i answer survey, i can say that 80% of the time I am honest, the rest of the time, i just wanna finish it quickly and get it over with. but there are times that i really answer the survey honestly when i feel that they can benefit from it. with the hopes that from that data, they can somehow formulate a new solution for the issue addressed in the survey.
Anyway, I'm thinking of changing to DiGi. Since I can maintain my supercool number.. hehehe.. Or should I wait for other networks to announce their MNP and see which gives the superlowest offer ?
Gimme your thoughts DiGi people ? Will they follow me ? Like everywhere ? Even in my campus yg jauh dan selalu takde line Maxis itu ? Seems like all networks are all out in marketing their services. I think at one point, the sms service will be free... will they ? u think ? remember in 2000, smses used to be 30sen and for one darned misscall yang sempat diangkat will cost you 60sen. and a frigging prepaid costed me rm238! i can top up a few ringgit and almost buy new lenses! that was the value at that time..
heh, remember the days without hp ? and public phones ? and meeting up in a middle of kl and not get lost? those days were based on trust, punctuality and public phones.. i think we took for granted that since mobile phones are well... mobile, we tend to procastinate and became less punctual. cause it's just a phone call away. so these days are based on handphones, smses and.. internet.. which is not a bad thing if we use it wisely..
okla, tajuk blog ni makin lama making pjg and labels pun dah jadi banyak sbb dia rojak kan.. so i'll stop now.
**actually i was waiting for someone to come around while writing this.. maybe dia penat kot**
ich vermisse dich
Aku selalu amazed bila tgh gambar langit biru yang pekat cam tu... caner ek nk dpt kaler camtu? Selalu biru langit cair je..
About networks.. just use the one yg available at your place. Cam kat tempat aku, the yellow man tak leh masuk kilang cos tak pakai uniform kilang... so sape2 pakai di-g kena kondem. hehe..
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