my friday at shah alam

>> Friday, January 18, 2008

I was surfing around today. Oh yes, the meeting wasn't that bad after all. So lepas ni kena discuss dgn boss about any changes to be made in the report. So i thought, takpe la.. lps ni i ada some exposure on this quality assurance and problem based learning thingy.. its quite interesting though.. bole la masuk dlm CV.. hehe..

anyway, i found this when i was surfing around...

Professor Arsham's Statistics Course. Your mind is what your brain does. Self-consciousness is self-knowledge. The process of becoming conscious distributes what you know throughout your brain via the brain neural network branches, unlike memorizing, which connects only two nodes of the network. The availability and expansion of what you know throughout your neural network branches make the information processing of your brain accurate. Thus, you possess a reflective, brilliant knowledgeable mind.



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