my moment.. perhaps.. will come.. eventually

>> Wednesday, January 23, 2008

almost everybody has some sort of progressed or has gone to another level.. my dear friend, Atika is now in Australia doing her Masters.. last Saturday i chatted with another friend of mine, Emi who's currently in Scotland doing her Phd. my oldest bestfriend, Nadia is married and has gone to Morocco for her honeymoon.. another oldest bestfriend is now preparing for her wedding in April. my closest bestfriend, Adina has been promoted as a Manager in AutoBavaria. my closest schoolmate bestfriend, Sheri, pun is now pregnant with her 2nd baby.

so where does that leave me? i'll be 27 this year. what have i achieved? where have i progressed to? m i still at status quo? perhaps.. my moment will come..

'where do you go when you're lonely
where do you go when you're blue
where do you go when you're lonely, i'll follow you
when the stars go blue'


mangchikla 9:20 AM  

buat Umrah la. gi du'a kat Jabal Rahmah if u have the resources la. Lemme c... Phd, married with honeymoon, coming wedding, promoted, PREGNANT...hmmm.. u want all those in a jiffy? Sabaw la miss. Y it's late or early, there is a purpose to everything. Pick something from the internet, hope u don't mind:

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui."

- Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216

Anonymous 10:23 PM  

yela do...jgn pandang sgt pade org lain...u're a lecturer now kan..that's wat some people dont achieve...
tapi mmg rase tu takleh nak ubah...maybe kite ade lebih satu benda tapi ade benda yang lain kite kurang...bile sume kite dapat yang terbaik, we're already a malaikat, right?
just pray for the best in life n life after death, k...
let's hope lepas ni d luck is urs...

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