my kiasi kiasu

>> Sunday, January 20, 2008

There's nothing like a relaxed Sunday morning with a cup of nescafe and listening to my YM plus-ins. yes, now im tuning to POP 80s HITZ station on my plug-ins. And i have Debbie Gibson's Only in my dreams song running.. catchy..

Yesterday i wasn't feeling well (again). Been meaning to reply Din's SMS yesterday "Ko nak gi tak pulau perhentian bulan 4?" yes, i want. cuma i have this one constraint. $. I wanna save up to go to Germany somewhere in May. How yea?

Last night had a short chat wif Ikhwan (2 jam kire short la tu coz sambil2 tu dia tgh study and I was surfing around). So I was telling him how I felt like Im abit of a kiasu. Semua benda nak buat rasanya.. Guess I am a control freak jugak la.. tapi kadang2 tu tak terlarat.. So I asked him,

Dora : "Izzit good or bad?"
Ikhwan : "What?"
Dora : "Wanting to do a lot of things?"
Ikhwan : "Wanting to do a lot of things for yourself is not a bad thing. I think its a good quality.. wanting to do a lot of things.."
Dora : "ye ke?"
Ikhwan : "ye le :p"
Dora : "So can i take that as a compliment?"
Ikhwan : "Bole laa.."

Haha... of something like that laa our conversation on YM..

So back to the persoalan... if i should go to perhentian? Mcm nak.. but bulan 4 tu agak hardcore la.. i have about almost 200 scripts to mark.. and do a report on student's performance.. kena jaga periksa and mcm2 lagi ... and i can foresee that i will be agak busy during that time.. dgn azlina nak kawennyer time tu..

Speaking of kawen.. i have a wedding to attend to later... tp... takde geng nak gi... i dun wanna go alone.... Si izam pendek gave me a msg on friendster saying this, "kalu hang/adina kawen dulu, tak bole la korang gi wedding same same lagi" agak siut jugak la statement dia.. always being sarcastic. haritu pergi wedding yani dia ckp apa tau, "aku nampak ko pakai baju sebijik sama kat wedding budak batch kan?? takde baju lain ek?" padahal, baju tu i tak penah pakai.. mcm haram gak laa.. ntah, tiba2 rase irritated lak.. [pms kot]


dyanna 4:25 PM  

Ok je my friend. You work a little extra bit harder during that month. Then your trip would be much more worth it.

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