my predicament (edited)

>> Thursday, January 24, 2008

German word for the day is 'leider' meaning 'unfortunately'.

see in physics we learned that when you are at a different frequency level, you are bound to have interference. simple concept right? well... apparently its wrong..

what do you mean by different frequency? it's all science.. life is all about science. in life, when you have different frequency, susah nak ada chemistry. so we have a negative statement versus another negative statement. negative charge dgn negative charge akan menolak each other..

see what we have here are a group of people in a same place.. with different frequency.. and somehow because they are trapped in a far far away island, are naturally forced to have chemistry amongst each other.. eventually they managed to have that chemistry..

tp somehow, ada some misunderstanding in between that breaks the bond between them.. the
status, the income, the time, the everything.. the most trivial things.. suddenly became the biggest issue.. all because of some misunderstanding..

ok, so what's the fuss is all about? i dunno, being a Taurean, and i guess being brought up by my wonderful parents, they always tell me to be honest / frank to people.. and jangan talk belakang orang.. and i guess i have it in my genes that you have to be as clear and as vocal as possible to avoid things like these... 'misunderstanding'..

in my opinion, don't just assume.. or have this 'paham-paham sendirilah' punye fahaman.. you know.. because sometimes, what other people think may not be the same thing as what you're thinking.. so to avoid this TRIVIAL MATTER.. it would save everyone all the trouble if everyone would just be frank or be honest about things.. daripada cakap2 kat blkg.. so who's fault izzit if other people can't READ YOUR MIND.. we're not heroes here... if you really don't mind about something.. then don't.. but if there's something bothering you, talk.. say it out loud. or at least do something about it..

my predicament? I CAN'T MIND READ.. so don't blame me for something i didn't do or
did unintentionally because opps sorry, leider (unfortunately), i just can't read your mind.. i don't mind you telling me off.. provided, just jangan burukkan my name.. or my family/friend's name for that matter...

(part yg diedit : OMG don't get me wrong ok.. takde kena mengena dgn org yg blog or memberi comment di blog ni.. seriuslyy.. its just some people at work dats all ... jgn salah faham ya.. )


mangchikla 11:30 PM  

hmmm...mind boggling....cannot compute..auwwrwwwiirrrrr!!! If I did (un/intentionally), my apologies. passin' thru.. bye-bye

lucky 11:34 PM  

laa bkn u laa.. takde kena mengena punn... huhuhu.. relax.. ni adalah a whole different circle.. don't get me wrong ok ;)

mangchikla 7:50 AM  

Yeaaaaaaayyy!!! Happy days r here again!!! Blue skies n sunshine.!!!

mangchikla 11:15 AM  

Waaa .... I noticed u got "Audit Trails" as well" part of your QA ka...muekekeke

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