my maal hijrah and 121st post

>> Thursday, January 10, 2008

Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah.. Yes, its the new year of our islamic calender.. The day was just perfect today. I woke up for subuh and 645 and felt the cool breeze as i was saying my prayers.. and as a public holiday, i made it a point to sambung tido sket je lagi.. so i pulled my comforter and it felt comfortable so i took another 1 hour to sleep.. yes, so at 8, farhan (my nephew) woke me up as he was jumping up and down right beside me.. "ok ok... im up" hehehe cute..
the morning was nice.. sunny and windy.. as the birds were chirping it made me feel like i was in a movie or sumthing...
i love public holidays.... back to work tomorrow


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