my student talked on the phone while i was teaching

>> Monday, January 21, 2008

Today's German word :

grundlegend. cara nak sebut mcm ni
"gerun-t = sebut mcm gerun with a t"
"le = li as in li in asli"
"gend = gen as in gendang"

meaning = basically...

As usual mondays. Today i started the class with the HORROR-est chapter of all in statistics, PROBABILITY. i rase mengah kot diorg.. well, c'est la vie.. So during the 2nd half of the class, mase tengah explain pasal conditional probability, suddenly, i saw a student tgh ckp fon.. HANGIN!

So what i did was....

"I dah bgtau ok, no talking on the handphone during my class. Handphones must be off! no silent, no vibrate, OFF TERUS"

then, i purposely berdiri sebelah student yg ckp phone yg kelam kabut nak simpan hp dlm beg dia, and then i said, "ok bcoz of your friend, (i sengaja looked at her lame sket so that the class knows who was the culprit) ckp hp, im going to give the whole class a quiz"

muka dia merah.. and everybody looked at her.. haa nasib la.. siapa suruh? and then diorg bising... "weii siapa yang ckp hp tu... eeeeeeesshhh tak paham2 ke??"

then i added, "let this be a lesson for you ok.. whoever yg ckp hp i assume dah pandai sgt and doesnt bother to listen.. " i didnt say it dgn intonasi marah.. but morelike.. bersahaja.. coz i think i've up to that stage..

and you knw wat, today i didnt bother if they make noise in class... lagi kuat diorg ckp, lagi perlahan my voice.. so the ones yg betul2 nak pay attention will do the shhuhhh-ing for me..

see, thats my way.. i didn't balas dgn marah.. i balas dgn their own actions....


mangchikla 1:48 PM  

Dear Miss Dora,

U're simply my heroine! Muah!!! I just simply adore u n make those other senior lecturers pale in comparison...I especially like "... lagi kuat diorg ckp, lagi perlahan my voice.." it's to die for muahahahaahhahahahahah...I ask around diorang kat UiTM, katenye disebabkan Lecturer dah terlalu ramai, most of them r on contract basis. Unisel camner? Probability sucks, but OR is fun ekekeke kekekke Spunky miss Dora. I'm gonna refer your blogg to my bro in UTM n put him to shame akakakakkaakka tgh keje ke n the student is a she or a he?

mangchikla 1:57 PM  

Terluper lak .."c'est la vie" sama ngan "c'est pool" ke ? Muahahahhahah

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