30 seconds to Mars

>> Monday, August 17, 2009

I used to think Jared Leto is kinda cute when he acted in Urban Legend. Then I found out that he could rock too especially in The Kill. If we could achieve that (30 seconds to Mars), it would be a big deal.

But the thing is, I don't wanna go to Mars, even if it'll take me 30 seconds. A lot of talks about climate change (perhaps a good research interest to venture into) and global warming. And it's sad to see that people are unaware that their actions expedites this phenomena.

Like my friend dyanna, I too, want to change the world. and make it a better place. but i can't do it alone. But if I don't start, who will ? So, jom asing - asingkan our garbages to BIO, RECYCABLE, & NON RECYCABLE.. and close your shower tabs when you're not using water.

a small step can make a big difference. save the environment. please..

I hope technology can make 30 seconds take me to a place that I really wanna go. Oh wait, they have that already....

missing u b.


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