time is running out

>> Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I stopped watching Weeds and 30 Rock. No don't get me wrong. The series are superbly funny and disturbingly entertaining. I'm afraid I might get bored if I finished watching all of the series to soon. So I'd like to keep the suspense.

I decided to catch up on Entourage Season 2 (I know lembap gile). The first episode of the season is titled, 'the boys are back' and i love the song for the ending. Muse's Time is running out. my long vacation is now over (forawhile) and I am starting on the new semester. and i always tell my students, maths and statistics is all about time and accuracy everytime i say time is running out and that would give me a big long sigh.

My big challenge this semester would be.. how to teach statistics to a math prodigy ? I have this song everytime I go to my 2pm and 830am class on wednesdays and thursdays.

waiting of u bb ;) hugs n kisses.. there's a surprise.. it's in your email.. i hope you like it... i love u..


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