
>> Monday, August 10, 2009

I was driving to work today and put on ROCK BAND CD compiled by my husband. It keeps me awake in the morning and also get the momentum going. So I was listening to Chris Martin singing shiver and I thought, ape lagu ni ? I think if anyone else singing it, it would be sooo damn sumbang. Do you notice the rhythm ??? but somehow Chris and all the coldplay band members did a great job in making the song quite a hit (sampai boleh masuk Rock Band tuuuu)

The weekend went by nak kata cepat pun tak, nak kata lambat pun tak. It went by like it was supposed to go by. I spent the Saturday hanging out at home, studying and cleaning up my room. And on Sunday I woke up supermorning (for a sunday morning) and headed out to The Curve (sepatutnya nak beli kasut and singgah Habib Jewel) but I ended up at Ikea queing up to pay things that I planned to buy later on, but since it was on sale of I swiped up the old card ;) hehehe

After the unexpected shopping spree, I did like other long distance marriage daughter in law would do. Visit the in laws. I had ayam percik sedap jugak cooked by my brother in law and hung out for awhile.

After that I hung out with my family and then chatted with Ikhwan. I told him my upcoming project and he gave me some ideas (brilliant ones actually) and I am now in the midst of starting it. So there will be less posts in here till the end of the year. But since Ikhwan enjoys reading my blog (ye ke b? ;) ) hehehe I will update once in a while.. Maybe the both of us will be occupied working on our new project jugak.. he will be assisting me la of course ;)

What project ? u might be thinking... well.. time will tell ;)

[me like me mystery]

Tschussssss! :)


lillix 3:17 PM  

shiver is one my favourites.

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