factors and factorization

>> Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I have been listening to Katy Perry's Thinking of You over and over again (yes, I'm a freak). Every song has a story. Then I called my mom and my brother :) Ikhwan says I'm homesick cause I call home almost everyday.

Its surprising when you are alone and there's this push factor that makes you do things you didn't even dream of accomplishing.

The grocery shop closes on Sundays and we were out the whole day on Friday (Heidelberg) and Saturday (Metzingen) and came back really late and tired to buy food. So we went grocery shopping yesterday evening after Ikhwan came back from work. During tea time, I made baked potatoes. Surprisingly, he said, 'this is insanely sedap la'. Though it might sound like a mere 3 second sentence, but for me, it was best comment so far and I shall remember it.

Since we have chicken now, I made ayam masak merah (totally push factor) and hopefully he will like it. I'm not a good cook but I cook with love. maybe it will reach him.. somehow..

Sure u might say, 'maybe its the just married factor where everything is pretty and nice, sugar and spice..' So what if it is ? Let me have this since we will be apart for awhile by end of this month and it's not gonna be easy.. we had a taste of perfection but later we have to endure the time difference factor, cost factor, puasa factor, raya factor and all the other factors. and it all sums up like the factorization method, the long distance inter-regional marriage (LDIRM) factor. Not the usual weekend husband/wife. However, this is our fate. This is how Allah has written for us.. I consider myself lucky. It could be worse. Alhamdulillah Allah made it easy for me :)

Remember I wrote about changing points? Going back is gonna be the worse change point ever and I dont know if i am strong enough to deal with it..

cause in your eyes i'd like to stay.. stay...

But I know I am not alone..


dyanna 8:01 PM  

hey, u've been married for 3 weeks and 3 days! 3-3... nice prime number pairing. (Geek talk!)

lucky 4:05 PM  

hehe.. that is freaky!

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