hard candy

>> Wednesday, July 01, 2009

My whole life I have been trying to gain some weight. After being called, papan (stick), bini Popeye (Popeye's wife), kurus kelingking (what's that all about) and other names that describes my thinness, finally, alhamdulillah, I have gained some significant weight :) **smiley smiley** no no.. dont think that it's THAT ok.. i have simply gained weight because Ikhwan buys me a lot of things.. mainly food :p chocolates and yogurt.. and milk and chocolates again and again and again..

We are planning to go to Heidelberg this weekend insha Allah and some other places in Europe (to be determined soon) with some friends who are currently residing in Germany as well.. Im starting to get used to waking up at 5am.. though sometimes i still get freaked out at the fact that the sun is still shining brightly at 8pm..not that I am complaining. I love the sun :) Maghrib prayers is at 938pm and Isya' is around 1145pm..

Yesterday Ikhwan wanted to treat me for dinner at a restaurant.. and being his punctual self, he says 5pm we leave.. and 5pm it was.. not even a minute late.. but then we realized that the buffet starts at 6pm so we hung out at the grocery store to kill time.. and of course.. we bought more food.. more chocolates and cookies.. and when it was almost 6pm.. it rained heavily and we had to head back home.. we walked in the rain sharing one umbrella and somehow it was kind of romantic.. hehe.. then I looked at him and I felt like I was in some hindustani movie (only that there were no people from behind the trees dancing simultaneously at the background hehehe.. it would be freaky if that happened though..). when we reached home, were soaking wet and very very superbly hungry..

and suddenly it hit me. Im a wife. I mean, yes I know that I am a wife.. but at that time, it really really hit me. I dont know why.

I prepared the Delifrance bread we bought at the grocery store. I baked it with some cheese and butter. And it was nice (surprisingly). And I heated the roti canai and made coffee for him.. And while he was eating and watching CNN, there were flashbacks about when we first met on 1st September 2005 at San Francisco Coffee. Then, I looked around and thought, roti canai, coffee after being soaking wet in the rain. It's just like San Francisco Coffee's tagline, 'Life is good' .

This is an amazing experience. Its like Indian summer in the middle of winter..like a hard candy with surprised center..



shazzain 3:42 PM  

Congrats on the weight gain...:)

Soraya 5:48 PM  

I like that Katy Perry song too!!
Bestnya chocolates.... drool..

Iszuanie Che Ilias 7:51 AM  

congrats... hehehehe well mana ada kurus sgt masa kat UKM dulu ok what.... hehehehhee anyway best gak life cam hindustan film once a while kihkihkihkih

lucky 6:07 PM  

shaz : thanks! hope it's last till i get back to KL sebagai bahan bukti kepada semua hehehe

beachbunny : i play that song everyday.. though i dont agree with the lyrics (mcm lagu seorg yg having an emotional affair) but some of the phrases are nice and the song is likeable :) and u can never get enough of chocolates in ur life ;)

eyswanie : ye ke kat ukm tak kurus ? agaknye stress blajar, pun dok beli coklat gak banyak hehehe.. yes hidup skrg mcm drama hindustan.. cuma takde tumbuk2 and gunshots jer :p

Soraya 9:23 PM  

betul, tp thanx to cadbury chocs and ice cream la i gained weight lepas kawin hehe dok tempat sejuk kan, lapar je la hehehe

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