one month

>> Monday, July 13, 2009

German word of the day : ich bin so kalt!
Translation : I am so cold!

13 has always been my lucky number. It has somesort been a very significant number in my life. And to mark the day that we get married, we decided to have the akad on the 13th of June 2009. Yes. I've always wanted a June wedding. In the middle of the year and middle of the month.

Today is our one month anniversary, and I know that Ikhwan will secretly read my blog almost everyday once he reaches home from work while I am preparing dinner for him :)

It has been a wonderful one month. A friend once said to me, 'its good that you're gonna be with him there in Germany for one month.. so that the two of you will get to be together, just the two of you and you will learn a lot about each other without anyone judging or telling you what to do.. its just the both of you.. ' I very much agree with her.. it has been a learning experience and i will treasure this forever..

His friends will ask us, how is it being married ? Is it different? And once we both said simultaneously, 'its exactly the same'. The person I knew him before is exactly the same person I know him now. (yes, yes, perhaps it has only been one month..) but for four years that we've known each other, we have been the same person up to now i guess. maybe we have been ourselves all this while, which is good. sometimes when I keep quiet, he knows what's exactly in my mind. like yesterday while walking back from the bus stop, he said 'i know you're thinking of the LV handbags right?' bulls eye. walau macam mana i try to hide it, he somehow can crack the password to my mind.. i dont know how he does it??? its crazy! hehehe

The ikhwan i know 4 years ago is crazy about gadgets i.e. PS2 or PS3 games (i got this mixed up yesterday), cars, football, downloading movies and tv series.

The ikhwan i know now is still the same as mentioned above, only recently he's really into NFL. bidding on ebay. and every day he is becoming more and more loving and caring. i know how much he loves and cares for his family, he will sacrifice for the ones he loves dearly and without hoping for anything in return because i know that he has a good heart. being the eldest of a long line of siblings, i find that he is a responsible son and a good though sometimes garang big brother. its amazing to watch him with his family. sometimes he might make some crazy jokes but he really is a great guy, that's my grizzly bear :)

I love him so much..

Happy 1 month anniversary b :) ich liebe dich

PS : We went to Heidelberg, Metzingen, Frankfurt on Friday and Schwetzingen yesterday. It was amazingly breathtaking. I have a number of pictures but terlalu banyak to be edited. will select and do them later ok..

bis später!


Nurul Ulfa 4:17 PM  

Hi dora..
ulfa ni (tak sure u ingat lagi ke tak) belajar sama-sama kat KMS dulu...
Walaupun dah terlambat still want to wish all the best for your new life as a wife...really love this entry...secara automatik u make me smile...teringat masa baru-baru kahwin dulu...macam dora jugak ufa memulakn tanggungjawab as a wife far from our family( eh tapi takdelah jauh sgt kat kerteh je kalau nak dibandingkan dgn dora) tp masa tu lah we really learned about each other...nobody judging me or him...just the two of us...walaupun adakalanya sedih takde tempat mengadu sbb family jauh tp pengalaman tu yang membuat hubungan kami jadi lebih kuat and bahagia...and yes Dora you will definitely remember and cherish this experienced...after nearly four years of marriage with two kids I realized how precious that experienced was for both of us...with kids it is very challenging for us husband and wife to give our full attention to each other...but still you will feel bless and happy but in different ways...and as time goes love will be greater and deeper insyaAllah (^_^)

Muslimah Perth 5:31 PM  

ulfa, well said :) merangkap segala apa yg nak dicakap. when i just got married, i cherish moments where i live together with hubby (3 long honeymoons, miri visits, etc) sebab the alone time is priceless.

dora, takyah balik la ;p

Soraya 6:39 PM  

same here.. got 3 months after kahwin.. balik msia keje then another 3 months after that.. mmg priceless the time you get to spend with each other with no in-laws in the picture..

tp ada in-laws pun best hehe (ayat nak cover my back) just that awal2 ni it's nicer not to have outside 'distractions' hehe

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