sushi zombie

>> Thursday, July 23, 2009


I had very little sleep last night. I think about 3 hours.. Perhaps I was very full from the sushi we ate for dinner last night. Ikhwan and I had dinner with one of his colleagues from ABB. He's at early 30s and has a PhD in robotics or something related to it, I'm not quite sure.. His wife is a Chinese. A very nice couple. They love to travel. Something that we too like to do.. perhaps one day we will get that chance again.. to travel together..

I am in the midst of packing my bags which I am sooo dreading to do now. Burning all the TV shows he downloaded for me and trying not to think about the long distance deal cause it's really hard for me to handle.. I am not sure if I can answer properly when people asks, 'so macam mane? bole ke jejauh?' gosh, they have no idea..

Ok ok , trying not to think to much about it.. I'm going to the city to meet ikhwan later around lunch time. I am planning to give him a surprise, I hope I manage to get it. It's funny how I tried to ask him where to get him the thing that I wanna get him, without telling him what it is.. And living in a foreign land with a foreign language doesnt make it easier.. But now I feel the urge to study German and be really good at it.. ok, so maybe I will just try to be ok at it first since it's not like BM.. an interesting language..

I am hoping that time will move faster when I am in KL. Yes, I will spend more time with my beloved family. Telling them stories about my experience here and with the Ramadhan month coming up, hopefully I will be calmer and try not to think too much.. Hopefully my prayers will be answered.. Hopefully everything will work out for us.. insha allah..

ok this is actually just some random post at 7am.. I just felt like blurting out random things and just..... I dunno.. I am a zombie now..


dillhanim 1:36 PM  

eh, dah nak balik ke? i thought you'll be staying here with ur hubby.

btw i pun dah nak balik msia for good.. next saturday, insya Allah..

if you want to, we can be deutsch tandem-partner ;)

lucky 1:39 PM  

omg, that would be great.. I balik esok, flight 1230 MAS... we should keep in touch.. :)

I datang cuti sekarang kejap.. maybe next year baru datang balik insha allah.. bole bole.. I msg u in FB ok :) Danke!! ;)

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