my break, my update

>> Saturday, January 10, 2009

I need a break from my break from blogging, get it? Plus, I need a break from packing my things. I posted my last post because I had so many things going around which had cause me to suffer from the writer's block. Plus I was upset at something which I now only came to realize I shouldn't be upset about. Many apologies..

My packing deal has been going on for weeks and days now, ever since I came back from my trip (which I have yet to blog about). I get most of the things done on weekends. So far, I am done with my wardrobe. Now comes other things, which makes it difficult since I am a very sentimental person (I like to keep things that are memorable).

Before the days of internet and handphones, the means of communication are mostly letters and postcards. I found like 4 shoe boxes of old letters since 1989 up to 2001/2002.. I have lots of long distance friends.. There were a lot of letters from my neighbour and my oldest buddy, Nadia where she used to write to me almost every month from Jitra Kedah.. When we were in form one, she still wrote to me from SSP telling me about boarding school life.. hehehe funny.. Ily Farhana, Nini, Harieny also wrote to me a few letters also from SSP :) It amazing how we used to share the most wildest secrets (apa la yang wild sangat secret at the age of 13? hehehe) and wrote about how we hated Science or that Math teacher heehehe and being in Kawat or stuff like that heheh..

When I went to MRSM, my family members and Sri Amanian friends wrote to me a whole lot of letters.. Mainly from Aliza and the geng (I found a letter where they wrote to me on a Pita Detik they stole from the Physics lab.. yer.. mereka memang nakal2 budak2 nyer hehehe), Yani, Alma, Zureen also wrote to me from Taiwan.. updating me who became Pengawas or who got braces.. siapa dah ada boyfriend from BBBS (kelakar2 hehehe).. a few chat friends also wrote to me which I still remember till now and added them in my facebook but never really talked.. Zaa' Eleena was once really close to me and she used to give me her writings and what she wrote to NST that got published.. giving me motivational quotes and my most favourite letter was when she gave me Andrea Zuckerman's Valedictorian speech (from Beverly Hills 90210) which I thought was very moving.. :) Nadia still actively wrote to me updating me about SSPians hehehe and we'd always compare how sucky our lives were back then hehehe.. Azlina got into MRSM PC and we would exchange gossips inter-MRSM hehehe.. A few Jasin friends like Suri, Azliza, Tun Firzara gave me dedications, a chat friend, Syahrul Ezzeri (who is now a Math prodigy in Oxford) actively telling me how he wanted to get out of MRSM so bad.. hehe..

I still keep some of the notes that we in Taiping always pass pass dalam bilik kawan2.. mainly from Atika (banyak gile ok) hehehe... SheriFour! hehehe (OMG! I still keep them.. kalau u baca sure gelak gile gile terbahak bahak.. hhehehe), Adina also gave a few (we jarang tulis tulis cause we always hang out heheh). we all had nicknames back then, Dora AeroG, Adina the Wild Wind Warrior.. hehehe Kelly Silverhawk and Ena the silent saleint.. Atika Carter, sherifour.. hehehe omg.. kelakar.. :)

After SPM, I went to KMS, still loads of letters.. most from my schoolmates.. during this time, handphones only existed among the rich ones who can afford it.. hehehe there was a letter from Atika telling me about some of her UKM friends brought handphones.. hehehe some of the KMS students also had handphones.. I envied those people.. I really wanted one back then ;p nampak cool~~ hehehe Nadia still wrote to me :p at that time she was sharing her Uni life in Uitm and I couldn't really imagine how it was like cause I was still in college.. KMS lagi.. very much like another MRSM life.. I kept some of the letters.. there were many from Perak....... also, i found cikyah's funny postcards where she sent from KMB, Banting. Adina wrote to me too from UTM. She was in the UTM-express program.. updating me about our Taiping friends there..

I guess the 'letters and postcards' era stopped after handphones became really cheap and affordable.. But some long distance friends.. like really really long distance friends (international) still kept in touch with me by sending pictures (masa ni digital camera belum lagi wujud) and raya cards, birthday cards, good luck cards and postcards.. I got many from US (ena, azlina, fathi jaafar pun rajin bagi, monina), UK (ikraam a few postcards, cikyah ko ada tak bagi dari UK? this guy named Hishamuddin which I totally cannot recall who and where I met him? still a mystery to me), Ireland (Spice, Mar),Scotland (zaa rajin gile bagi) and local ones I got many from JB (atik) and still a few from Perak also.

Gosh.. those were the days.. the letters and postcards days.. I find it really hard to throw some of the super old letters and postcards... wish I could keep them all.. I still keep some of them though.. Hopefully, then things are fully digital, I'd still have a few hard copy ones to remember them by...

Thank you friends. Your letters, postcards, birthday cards and raya cards brought me back to the yesteryears.. :) and it made wonder, "I used to be close to her/him... I wonder what happened.. and what is she/he up to now...?"

And now, even though my friends had stopped writing to me (due to technology i.e. SMS, email, YM and blogs heheh) , there is still someone who is far away who writes to me.. and sometimes gives me brown paper packages.. from Germany with love :) [tapi dah lame dah tak bagi.. masing masing busy.. hehe]

P/S : I still owe you a couple of entries..
a. my trip to singapore
b. my tag
c. my suprise blog entry
d. my 'you have to read this' entry
e. my successful kek batik

I'm back people.. ;)

ok. back to work now.


Anonymous 4:29 PM  

Well, that was a quick break.

lucky 11:26 PM  

hehe.. cannot resist la..

Anonymous 3:35 AM  

Anyways, I am shocked, shocked I say, to discover that people still wrote letters by the end of the 20th century. I thought that was more of a mid 20th century thing.

Mohamad Nazmi Zaidi 7:47 AM  

the hardest part was to pass a note to a lady via a transporter woman into the Aspuris.

that time, trust was EVERYTHING! ha ha ha

by the way hello, you. I was in Jasin from 2001 to 2002 =D

dyanna 12:57 PM  

Got your muse back already?

lucky 1:38 PM  

dyanna : yup. coz i got jiggy with it (my favourite phrase now) hehe.. I wanted to blog about so many things.. Need to manage my time, and susun2 the files in folders in my head..

jacksparrow : trust was everything.. and even now.. trust IS everything.. only digital :p hehe nice of you to stop by all the way from tronoh :) hello to u too, i was frm taiping, spm 98

Haris : Dulu surat mmg glamour. Didn't u notice I used to keep some of the letters under my desk when you creatively made 'arca' on my table every morning? hahahahah

lillix 10:52 AM  

Oh My god. you make me laugh today. hahahahah

Giler banyak Ok. Seriously, I think we practically quote songs from every genres. hahaha

lucky 9:27 PM  

hehe.. you should read the letters man.. Get jiggy with it.. you jump, I jump remember? heheheheh my god! those days! and of course.. that thing you do! we had some great times kan ? :)

lillix 2:22 PM  

Definitely. Will smith and Titanic weren't meant to be continuous. haha.

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