my friday night : nasi kandar pelita bangsar

>> Friday, January 23, 2009

I told Mega this evening, "I tak nak keluar la malam ni. Tonight I wanna stay at home and just watch TV". I have been wanting to catch Alexander Bukan Zulkarnain on Astro OASIS. But my plans changed when I received an SMS from Adina at 8.07 pm when I was in my PJs on my bed;

"Bz? Aku nk kuar minum ngan azra. Jom?"

And just like that I changed to my jeans and wore like a 19 year old (I like wearing like teens nowadays), with my sling bag and black veil yang tak perlu digosok and went out.

This time we went out of KJ area and hit the city, Bangsar's Nasi Kandar Pelita. While waiting for Azra I shared with Adina what's been up with my life and she updated me with hers. It's been awhile since we hung out for drinks. Azra arrived the same time as our cheese naan did.

As usual, we talked about stuff and laughed like mad as though nobody's watching (feels good to be able to do that). I realize this time our talks have more substance and perhaps.. this may sound scary.. but i felt like 19 and 2+ at the same time.. we covered almost everything.. politics, economy, social, movies, traffic jams, policeman, internet, health, school days, university days, gossips, nescafe, type of coffee, babies, cars, motorcycles, storm rides, filing system, compatibility, fraud cases, travelling, age, aging, birthdays, work, engagements, marriage, divorce, religion, life, death, life after death, objectives in life, what we want in life, the best way to live life.. and what's interesting is that deep down inside our crazy little minds, we do know the best way to live life..

And after sharing with Din my orchestral event, I had one of those crystalizing moments and it all became clearer to me.. As I sat there, sturring my cup of warm teh-o-panas-kurang-manis, the words coming out of Din's and Azra's mouth were actually written for me to be heard at that exact time and at that exact moment and it's somehow Allah's way of reminding me those facts that we all know so well about but perhaps the substance has lived inside of us for so long that we might take it for granted.

Maybe, just maybe, inside our 2+ year old body and 19 year old minds, we have grown wiser than we may think.. The best part is, we still get to laugh at mamak stalls like nobody's business..

Another episode of Alexander Bukan Zulkarnain missed.. If this continues, I may need a new label call "friday nights" or "mamaks". wat say u people?




Are you sure this Pelita is a mamak restaurant? The name Pelita, as well as Lotus, are Indian food restaurant.

Please check ya. And be careful.

lucky 4:54 PM  

Ops, maaf ya. Thanks for the info :)

Anonymous 4:22 PM  


Jangan lupa episod akhir Alexander Bukan Zulkarnain jummat ini.
penerbit Alexander Bukan Zulkarnain

dyanna 12:52 PM  

Kat penang pun ade Pelita Nasi Kandar. Muslim restaurant. Maybe it's their branch?

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