my dreams and my hope

>> Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i've been having nice dreams lately.
it guess it balances with the nightmare i had a few days back.
weird indeed.

Conversation over dinner :

Ma: Amek la kangkung ni
Me: em.. (alamak sayur kangkung).. ok Ma.
Ma: tau tak mcmne datangnya nama sayur kangkung?
Me: Mcmne?
Ma: Orang dulu2 citer.. dulu masak sayur kangkung, bunyi kat kuali.. kang.. kung.. kang.. kung.. hehehe (joking)
Me: Hehehehe

Conversation after dinner :

Pa: Nama dia Barack Hussein Obama.
Ma: His father was a Muslim.
Me: Oh! bama! (melatah sambil basuh pinggan)

The Change We Need

Today at class, I felt like Coach Carter in the first half of the movie Coach Carter. Hope all ends well (like Coach Carter).. Wish me luck as I need loads of patience.....


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