my nightmare

>> Sunday, January 18, 2009

I had a nightmare lastnite. It was like this... (note: this is rated PG13 ya)

I was rehearsing for our varsity play, Puteri Gunung Ledang and when we were having our take 5, i went out of the hall to get some drinks. I saw an old nenek on a wheelchair waving at me from our front gate and asking me to help her out from her wheelchair. I held out my hand signalling "kejap" and ran to the pak guard's house. Suddenly I heard a loud bang and someone screaming. I ran to the old lady and couldn't see any sign of her. Petrified, I was shaking and trying to search for her. To my surprise I saw her laying by the longkang with her wheelchair by the side. I screamed for help and there were a couple of guys who helped the old lady. One of them looked at me and shaking his head and the old lady was dead. I cried so hard and screamed "Nooooo!!" till I fell on the floor.

G (bukan nama sebenar tapi orang ni wujud) ran towards me and hugged me so tight I almost choked. I was crying because I thought I had killed the old lady. G tried to calm me down but I thought he was taking advantage of the situation. (Ape ni peluk2 orang?)
I cried and cried and G was saying "it's ok.. it's ok.. ". When I wanted to break off from his hug he didn't wanna let go. That's when I realized that he wasn't sincere.
"Oi ! Lepas la. Ape ni!" I repeatedly said that to him but he ignored and instead hugging me tighter and didn't wanna let go. I was scared and what made things worse was when the old lady suddenly stood up and stared at me. I watch her mouth movements saying "Aku akan kacau kau". I gasped and she laughed while walking towards an old house (boleh pulak jalan? tadi tak boleh bangun kat wheelchair and dah jatuh longkang lak tu). G followed the old lady while dragging me to the old house. They opened the door and nampak keadaannya macam nak tie me on a chair. It was so scary ok. But somehow, after a lot of struggling, I managed to run away from G and he chased me around the house. I went upstairs and hid in a room, behind the langsir. G entered the room with a big parang in his hand. I felt like Jennifer Love Hewit in I know what you did last summer. As G walked closer to me, I picked up a vase (ntah dari mana datangnya) and hit him in the head. He fell down and I saw blood coming out frm his head. Scary. I ran out of the house as fast as I could and suddenly arriving in a forest somesort and felt really tired from the chasing and the struggling. I sat for awhile while panting and sweating. I needed water. That's when I stood up and realized I was safely in my room on my bed. I was sweating and felt really tired and thirsty.

It was a real nightmare. And I don't think I can look at G the same way again. sheeish!


dyanna 7:34 PM  


shazzain 12:03 PM  

hehe..nightmare...but who is this G guy??

lucky 12:09 PM  

huhu mmg scary movie.. yg peliknya G bukan ikhwan.. and ko x kenal dia.. and nama dia bukan start dari G pun. it's just a random alphabet

shazzain 12:11 PM  

ohh aku tak kenal ke...even by name i tak kenal ke?? but I still wanna know...hehe

lucky 12:14 PM  

Muahahahaha.. by name pun ko tak kenal. dia sgt x significant dlm hidup aku. aku xtau mcmne dia bole terselit.

camne hujung feb ni on ke tak ? sila diskas dlm email ye

shazzain 12:19 PM  

on on on !! start the email up again...n the date..nak block calender...

dyanna 6:26 PM  

G is for Gaban.

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