my friday night : my friday morning story

>> Monday, April 06, 2009

Being at home and not being able to do anything except for walking a little and disturbing my other friends at work by SMSing them using my 800 free SMSes from my 2nd line, Hotlink, sometimes can be quite a bore. Just for this time, I cannot do my funky dance everytime I get an MC from a doctor. Reason : I just can't move. Reason : I fell down dalam keadaan tidak sedar. Result : A very bad backache.

The last few days has been terrible for me and I guess it was really some sort of dugaan kot. Imagine you lying down on the bed and your handphone rings and you can't reach it even though it's like 10 cm away. Imagine not being able to take a loo without having to call someone (my mother is the best) to carry you to the toilet. Imagine not being able to go to work when you are mentally and emotionally healthy but physically unhealthy. Imagine not being able to drive your car or reaching for the remote control. All you're able to do is just lay down and listen to MP3? Nak baca buku pun lenguh tangan lame lame.. Well, that was what I experienced for the past few days.

Sememangnya setiap orang itu diduga dengan macam - macam ujian. But after all that has happened, I believe Allah is protecting me. Everything happened for a reason. And this happened was for a reason. A reason that only myself will know one day. Thanks to everyone who had prayed for me, my beloved family members, my super cool friends, my wonderful students and mind blowing fellow bloggers..


niSamiR 10:06 AM  

what happened 2 u dear??jatuh ke until having a backache?????

Muslimah Perth 2:07 PM  

eh babe..pecite??? i just baca..take care man..!

Anonymous 4:33 PM  

aper cerita nie? what happened?

lucky 9:54 PM  

ye saya jatuh dalam keadaan tidak sedar masa kat rumah.. i think i blacked out kot.. :( but im ok now.. im a strong girl :) alhamdulillah can walk.. slow but can do la :)

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