
>> Sunday, April 19, 2009

My mother loves to watch tv. She follows the shows on tv3 every evening. So, now during weekends is the repeat of the Indonesian series, Liontin. This show was aired during the time I was doing my MSc. I don't usually watch the series, but I like the theme song. It's Chrisye and Peterpan singing "Menunggumu".

I notice that Indonesian songs are of high quality and very rich with sounds and rhythm. Yes of course they talk about love and everything that has to do with it. But did you ever hear and try to understand the lyrics ? I find it very deep and meaningful. And why their songs are of high quality? Check out the beginning of the song. It kinda makes you listen to it till the end. Such as this "menunggumu" song, they started off with a few bars in piano, followed by a few chords in electric guitar, and then the drums came in. And for chorus, they follow the basic rules in music, 1st chord, 4th chord and so forth (tak ingat.. dah 15 tahun tinggalkan my music lessons) :(

Indah. Cuba lah menghayati lyricsnya.. sedih sebenarnya.............

"bila rindu ini..
masih milikmu...
kuhadirkan sebuah
tanya untukmu
harus berapa lama
aku menunggumu....
aku menunggumu...."

My answer to Peter Pan: You know the answer..


Anonymous 11:17 AM  

Hi Dora...saya suka juga lagu ini terus ambil headset-plug-open window media player - open - listen. =)

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