my time : a time for us

>> Monday, April 06, 2009

I wanted to blog about what happened to me on Friday and why am I at home on MC. But I decided to blog about something happy today because........................ because today I can walk again yay! alhamdulillah.

I spent my MC today sitting at home watching tv since I just recovered. I am not much of a tv person. But I managed to catch that one episode of A Time for Us (Kahit Isang Saglit) starring Jericho Rosales (HOT HOT HOT!) and Carmen Soo (Hot!) . A superb duo. I fell in love with the series just by watching the first 10 minutes. So how now? Dah sangkut citer Filipines~~

But why ? I don't usually follow such series unless it's really really worth my time. BUT Jericho is such a good actor. And the way he looks into Carmen's's like the world belongs to them.. aduh.. cair.. seriously.. You just HAVE to see it. But since I'll be going to work again (hopefully soon), I hope I can find the DVD to watch it back to back.

Tengokla video ni.. Mcm best kan ? Can we have this forever?

Suddenly, saya teringatkan MSO..


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