Dating Question: Can a Guy Be Too Nice?
>> Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I picked this from today
So nak buat camne ? cari bad boy ke? hehe how about if the guy is just nice ? takde jawapan untuk tu ke ?
something to blog about
I picked this from today
According to a mat rempit interview on Hitz.FM this morning Wikang is willy tayar belakang. Try to solve a long willy ? Longkang? hehehe.
Sometimes when you've been with someone for awhile, you can guess his/her responds towards certain issues.
me : malam ni chelsea vs. barcelona? you sokong yang mane?
mso : barca..
See, i know that he would sokong barcelona. and i know that he would answer it in short form with two dots at the end sebab dia nak cepat gi kerja.
Listening to Colbie Caillat's Realize made me wonder.
Can two people go into deep conversations with two cups of coffee?
or do they need more than two cups?
I realized that I needed to solve this statistically. If K is random variable for cups of coffee
then, the probability can be obtained by applying the Binomial formulaFor n is number of people, and the probability of success, p = 0.8 (for coffee addicts) and probability of failure, q = 0.2.
P(K > 2) = ?
P(K > 2) = 2C2 * 0.8^2 * 0.2^0 = 0.64.
Hello ?? Salah jawapan ok. If K > 2, K must be 3, 4, .... and so forth. and our K is from 0 to n. Since n = 2. So conclusion is Most definitely yes. Since answer is 1.00. Like duh~~
Alright. I am officially sangaped from marking exam questions.
More coffee please?
The semester has ended and now it's examination time. It would mean, no lectures. And most of the time is occupied with marking and other administration work.
One of my international students comes to see me every time he can. Just to cakap - cakap and perhaps seek advice. So one day, he brought a nice Arabic delight called Basboosa. I fell in love with it the minute I tasted it. Sedapnyer bendalah nih~
So today, I asked him to buy for me more. Cause during the weekend, in my mind was only Basboosa. And I googled the recipe. Ingat nak buat lah satu hari ;)
I am now listening to YM Plug ins Coffeehouse songs while doing some work. Now it's Foo Fighter's Big Me song. One of my Foo Fighter favourite songs in the 90s.
And while doing work and listening to this and blogging at the same time, I feel the urge of just going to San Francisco Coffee and sip my iced blended chocolate and just hang there. It's been awhile since I had the chance to do that. With their motto, Life is good. I feel that Life IS good now. Alhamdulillah :)
By the way, I am anxiously waiting for 10:30pm tonight to catch the 2nd episode of GHOST at 8tv. Cheryl Samad is soo good at acting the part. And is Zack Imran also in the 2nd season ? Tolong lah ada. I dunno why, Naz looks good in that series even though dia pakai baju same je cause he's a GHOST. And why is Harom dead ? Can she help solve the kidnapping case? And Anding acting the part of Alam, sangat menjadi ok. I love the series! Love it! Love it!
Watch it okay :)
My daily routine is not so routine nowadays. Yesterday, after reaching home, as usual, I will have a drink in the kitchen and think about stuff. And while I was stirring my drink, I saw on the family whiteboard.
"** days left". And then it hit me.
I am getting married to my significant other in ** days :)
Yes. This is the announcement and the thing that I have kept private for the past 8 months. On nisfu shaaban last year, I got engaged to my significant other (referred as MSO in this blog). It was a very small and special event as I had my beloved family gathered for the occasion. We had a very simple one. Just the way MSO and I like it :)
I went to PWTC for the International Book Fair Festival and had a great time :) I loved it.. wish I could spend more time tapi tak sempat.
Lucky me, I was selected to go and choose books for our Degree Program, Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Matematik dan Statistik. And I was just blown away by all the books there. MasyaAllah..
I managed to get 4 books. And one of them is the long - awaited for, Benarkah Alexander Bukan Zukqarnain. Hehe (syirfan minta autograph bole ka? ni i tolong promote kan your book here hehehe)
Other updates? Been busy marking papers.. and I have an announcement to be made soon, insyaAllah.. tungguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ;)
Guys, please catch this series on 8tv, starts tonight 19th April 2009, 8tv, 1030 pm
Starring Cheryl Samad, Naz, Carmen Soo..
The continuation of last year's Ghost. Fabulous job Popiah Pictures.. Really worth watching.. Can't wait!
My mother loves to watch tv. She follows the shows on tv3 every evening. So, now during weekends is the repeat of the Indonesian series, Liontin. This show was aired during the time I was doing my MSc. I don't usually watch the series, but I like the theme song. It's Chrisye and Peterpan singing "Menunggumu".
I notice that Indonesian songs are of high quality and very rich with sounds and rhythm. Yes of course they talk about love and everything that has to do with it. But did you ever hear and try to understand the lyrics ? I find it very deep and meaningful. And why their songs are of high quality? Check out the beginning of the song. It kinda makes you listen to it till the end. Such as this "menunggumu" song, they started off with a few bars in piano, followed by a few chords in electric guitar, and then the drums came in. And for chorus, they follow the basic rules in music, 1st chord, 4th chord and so forth (tak ingat.. dah 15 tahun tinggalkan my music lessons) :(
Indah. Cuba lah menghayati lyricsnya.. sedih sebenarnya.............
As promised, here are some of the pictures of the International Students' Society Cultural Night held on 10th April 2009 at UNISEL Bestari Jaya.
It was fascinating and definitely a night to remember.. I enjoyed myself a whole lot and it really felt like being in a middle eastern country..
this whole semester, there is this one student, who will call me to ask "miss, saya dari class statistics. Harini ada kelas ke miss?"
Firstly, I teach 4 different groups.. and it's ALL statistics. Foundation, Diploma, and 2 Degree groups. and i have about 150 students.. you tell me how to answer??
Secondly, kenapa perlu tanya EVERYTIME for the past 14 bl**dy weeks?? Understood la kan????
Masalahnya, I know this student and bila tanya dia "you call i tadi kan ?" she will think forawhile and make a straight face and say "takde pun miss?". Helo, saya cam la suara ok.. jangan nak cover cover la..
Lagi best if dia call and I don't answer or if she doesnt get through, dia tak datang kelas tu.. assuming takde kelas.. OMG TOLONG!!! SABAR JE LA!
Stress la ngajar group ni (tidak boleh disebut di sini).. STRESS! maaf. sangat stress ini hari... huhu
Hari ini merupakan hari Khamis (duh~). Hari yang paling dinanti - nantikan terutamanya jam 4 petang di mana kelas akan berakhir untuk minggu itu. Hari ini pada awalnya bukanlah seperti hari hari biasa. Kerana hari ini House telah secara tiba - tiba mendecide untuk mengadakan mesyuarat so-called-tergempar seawal jam 9 pagi. Lazimnya, mesyuarat akan didrag sehingga ke beberapa jam diikuti dengan minum teh dan makanan separa ringan seperti karipap, mihun dan popia goreng. Tetapi hari mesyuarat agak straight to the point dan berakhir jam 1030 dan tiada makan atau minum.
Pada kelas 1030, aku dengan lemah longlainya melangkah ke kelas. Kumpulan kelas ini banyak menguji kesabaran aku. Pernah aku menegur seorang pelajar untuk membuka capnya. Lantas dia menjawab "habis tu, yang perempuan semua ni pakai tudung, suruh la diorg bukak tudung jugak". Di dalam hati aku membakar ketika itu dan ingin mengeluarkan kata - kata yang mungkin menjejaskan karier aku dengan berperasaan untuk membaling marker pen tepat pada dahinya untuk dia sedar betapa kurang ajarnya statement itu. Tapi aku hanya beristighfar dan merenungnya tajam sehinggakan dia tidak senang duduk. Aku memulangkan semula kertas Test 1, Test 2 dan Quiz 2 serta membincang skema jawapan. Jelas sekali mereka ini belum mengulangkaji walaupun Finals akan bermula minggu depan.
Langsai kelas, aku menghadap makanan yang disediakan oleh Mama sambil bergossip panas bersama Meg dan Chik. Lain sungguh hari ini kerana selalunya aku keseorangan. Setelah menunaikan solat Zohor dalam keadaan duduk (kerana sukar untuk sujud atas sebab - sebab kesihatan), aku bergegas ke kelas jam 2.00 petang. Hari ini adalah hari official aku menyelesaikan semua silibus untuk kesemua kelas. Lega rasanya. Tanggungjawab sudah dilaksanakan. Namun pada akhir kelas aku telah didampingi seorang pelajar berbangsa Cina, Adam Wong (bukan nama sebenar) yang pernah aku menyuruh dia berjumpa denganku atas sebab markah Test yang sangat rendah.
Adam : Maaf miss, bila yang miss free?
Saya : Esok the whole day saya free, u datang jumpa I esok.
Adam : Oo ok.. esok lepas prayers ke saya jumpa..
Saya : Lepas prayers ? U pergi sembahyang jumaat ke? (confuse sbb nama dia Wong)
Adam : Ye miss.
Saya : Oh? You're a Muslim ?
Adam : (senyum) Yes miss.
Saya : Ooo ok ok.. :)
Tidak dapat kugambarkan perasaan ini. Sungguh gembira rasanya. Alhamdulillah Adam Wong (bukan nama sebenar) diberi hidayah untuk memeluk agama Islam. Namun, dia pernah menceritakan dia menghadapi masalah keluarga yang adakalanya memberi kesan pada pembelajarannya. Aku hanya berdoa agar jalan untuk Adam Wong dibuka luas untuk dia berjaya dan segala usahanya diberkati, insyaAllah.
Selepas kelas berakhir, aku melepaskan nafas panjang kelegaan. Di bilik pula, aku cuba menyiapkan beberapa paperwork sehinggalah 2 pelajar antarabangsa datang menjenguk Ms.D. Mereka sudah biasa dengan budaya Melayu dan membuka kasut sebelum memasuki bilikku. Dengan senyum sipu2, salah seorangnya memberikan aku kad jemputan ke International Cultural Night yang akan berlangsung esok. Melihat pada kesungguhan dan kepersisan mereka mengajak aku beberapa kali sejak sebulan yang lalu, tidak sampai hati untuk menolak undangan itu.
Ms.D : InsyaAllah I will come. Is there a dress code?
Student 1 : You can wear anything.
Ms.D : Ok, can I wear jeans ?
Student 2 : No no.. cannot.. (bercakap Arab dengan student 1)
Student 1 : (menjawab dalam Bahasa Arab, bunyi mcm gaduh sedikit)
Ms.D : (looking left and right) So.. ?
Student 1 : You have to wear like this (jarinya menunjukkan pada baju kurungku). You look cantik wearing this. You have to wear like this.
Ms.D : (blushing tapi cover) Thank you. Ok ok I will try. InsyaAllah.
Dan esok malam, jam 830, aku akan menghadiri International Cultural Night di UNISEL Batang Berjuntai. Jemputlah datang, seriously. Pasti menarik :) Gambar akan dipaste di post seterusnya. Tunggu ya :)
Being at home and not being able to do anything except for walking a little and disturbing my other friends at work by SMSing them using my 800 free SMSes from my 2nd line, Hotlink, sometimes can be quite a bore. Just for this time, I cannot do my funky dance everytime I get an MC from a doctor. Reason : I just can't move. Reason : I fell down dalam keadaan tidak sedar. Result : A very bad backache.
The last few days has been terrible for me and I guess it was really some sort of dugaan kot. Imagine you lying down on the bed and your handphone rings and you can't reach it even though it's like 10 cm away. Imagine not being able to take a loo without having to call someone (my mother is the best) to carry you to the toilet. Imagine not being able to go to work when you are mentally and emotionally healthy but physically unhealthy. Imagine not being able to drive your car or reaching for the remote control. All you're able to do is just lay down and listen to MP3? Nak baca buku pun lenguh tangan lame lame.. Well, that was what I experienced for the past few days.
Sememangnya setiap orang itu diduga dengan macam - macam ujian. But after all that has happened, I believe Allah is protecting me. Everything happened for a reason. And this happened was for a reason. A reason that only myself will know one day. Thanks to everyone who had prayed for me, my beloved family members, my super cool friends, my wonderful students and mind blowing fellow bloggers..
I wanted to blog about what happened to me on Friday and why am I at home on MC. But I decided to blog about something happy today because........................ because today I can walk again yay! alhamdulillah.
I spent my MC today sitting at home watching tv since I just recovered. I am not much of a tv person. But I managed to catch that one episode of A Time for Us (Kahit Isang Saglit) starring Jericho Rosales (HOT HOT HOT!) and Carmen Soo (Hot!) . A superb duo. I fell in love with the series just by watching the first 10 minutes. So how now? Dah sangkut citer Filipines~~
But why ? I don't usually follow such series unless it's really really worth my time. BUT Jericho is such a good actor. And the way he looks into Carmen's's like the world belongs to them.. aduh.. cair.. seriously.. You just HAVE to see it. But since I'll be going to work again (hopefully soon), I hope I can find the DVD to watch it back to back.
Tengokla video ni.. Mcm best kan ? Can we have this forever?
Suddenly, saya teringatkan MSO..
Saya sakit. Pray for my health.. Ya Allah give me the strength
Since we stopped ASTRO forawhile (atas sebab - sebab teknikal), my parents and I have been watching national TV. After dinner we usually hangout in front of the TV forawhile. And sometimes I would go to the PC and hang here (blog) while listening to the TV. It's freaky that I blogged about Chow Kit Road a few days ago and on 360 (TV3) just now, they featured Chow Kit Road! Superbly Freaky!
And now, The Matrix is on. I hate it and like it at the same time.
Hari ini menandakan bulan yang baru. Aku telah pun memflip kalender aku dan dia menyatakan APRIL 2009. Hari ini juga, kami staf - staf mendapat punch card baru. Lebih kurang 2 jam 15 minit yang lalu, aku telah mempurchase tiket ke Europe. Yes. Europe. InsyaAllah, aku akan ke Europe selama sebulan untuk bercuti :) Di mana? Mengapa dan dengan siapa ? Akan direveal satu hari. Sekarang ini, aku sedang menghitung hari. Dan apabila hari itu hampir tiba, pasti akan dikongsi, insyaAllah :)
Hari ini juga aku berperasaan gembira. Gembira kerana tanggungjawabku mencurahkan ilmu kepada pelajar - pelajar Tahun Asas yang terdiri daripada bangsa Melayu, Cina, India, Sudan dan Somalia sudah pun dilaksanakan. Gembira kerana mereka juga turut gembira selepas aku menyatakan, "That is all for Statistics. We have just finished our syllabus". Maka kedengaran mereka bertepuk tangan dan ber'high 5" tanda gembira kerana selepas ini hanyalah tinggal Tutorial, Quiz, Test dan Revision. Namun, hati ini bercampur dengan perasaan sedih. Sedih kerana kumpulan pelajar ini merupakan kumpulan pelajar yang paling unik yakni, multiracial dan international sepanjang kareerku (yang tidak sampai 2 tahun lagi) sebagai seorang Pensyarah. Semester ini aku mengenal erti sebenar teaching and learning. Aku mengajar mereka tentang Statistik. Mereka belajar tentang Statistik. Mereka mengajar aku tentang budaya Timur Tengah, aku belajar tentang budaya Timur Tengah.
Seorang pelajar yang sering meluangkan masa untuk berbual denganku menceritakan pengalamannya ketika mula - mula menapak ke KLIA.
"From the internet, I know that Malaysia is an Islamic country. But I thought that Malaysia is something like the US, very modern coz I saw from the pictures (gambar apa la yang ditengoknya) But when I first reached KLIA, I saw a Malay wearing the Hijab, it was very beautiful. Because I always see this in my country, and now, I am in another country, and there is also a Muslim wearing Hijab. It felt amazing. I see that Islam is everywhere. And when the first time I heard the Adzhan, MasyaAllah, I cried. Then the first time I wanted to call my dad, I waited for the Adzhan and said 'Dad, do you hear that? They also have Adzhan here.. It's amazing!' "
Entah mengapa, aku sungguh kagum mendengar cerita ini.
Walaubagaimanapun, di sudut hati ini, terdapat satu perasaan yang sukar digambarkan dengan gambar dan tidak dapat dicoretkan dengan tulisan. Yang pasti, aku yakin, Kuasa Allah itu adalah sangat besar. Paling besar. Dan setiap yang niat di hati, Dia-lah yang Maha Mengetahui.
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