my trip to miri and brunei
>> Tuesday, December 26, 2006
We naik air asia...
The view from above..
A very expensive maggi and hot tea..
Lame tak naik kapal terbang..
to be continued...
something to blog about
We naik air asia...
The view from above..
A very expensive maggi and hot tea..
Lame tak naik kapal terbang..
to be continued...
Mengapa Cincin Pernikahan Harus Disarungkan di Jari Manis??
Ikuti langkah berikut ini, Tuhan benar2 membuat keajaiban (ini berasal dari kutipan Cina)
1. Pertama, tunjukkan telapak tangan anda, jari tengah ditekuk ke dalam (lihat gambar)
2. Kemudian, 4 jari yang lain pertemukan ujungnya.
3. Permainan dimulai, 5 pasang jari tetapi hanya 1 pasang yang tidak terpisahkan...
4. Cobalah membuka ibu jari anda, ibu jari menwakili orang tua, ibu jari bisa dibuka karena semua manusia mengalami sakit dan mati. Dengan demikian orang tua kita akan meninggalkan kita suatu hari nanti.
5. Tutup kembali ibu jari anda, kemudian buka jari telunjuk anda, jari telunjuk mewakili kakak dan adik anda, mereke memiliki keluarga sendiri, sehingga mereka juga akan meninggalkan kita.
6. sekarang tutup kembali jari telunjuk anda, buka jari kelingking, yang mewakili anak2. cepat atau lambat anak2 juga akan meninggalkan kita.
7. selanjutnya, tutup jari kelingking anda, bukalah jari manis anda tempat dimana kita menaruh cincin perkawinan anda, anda akan heran karena jari tersebut tidak akan bisa dibuka. Karena jari manis mewakili suami dan istri, selama hidup anda dan pasangan anda akan terus melekat satu sama lain.
Ikhwan gave me a CD of his favourite songs.. And this is one of the songs that I fell in love instantly. I've been listening to this song almost everyday but I never realise that the lyrics are so deep.. Check it out. Oh yes, this song is also in my playlist :) Enjoy.. Really, this song is soo cool.. seriously..
Jimmy Eat World - 23
LyricsI felt for sure last night
That once we said goodbye
No one else will know these lonely dreams
No one else will know that part of me
I'm still driving away
And I'm sorry every day
I won't always love these selfish things
I won't always live...
Not stopping...
It was my turn to decide
I knew this was our time
No one else will have me like you do
No one else will have me, only you
You'll sit alone forever
If you wait for the right time
What are you hoping for?
I'm here I'm now I'm ready
Holding on tight
Don't give away the end
The one thing that stays mine
Amazing still it seems
I'll be 23
I won't always love what I'll never have
I won't always live in my regrets
You'll sit alone forever
If you wait for the right time
What are you hoping for?
I'm here I'm now I'm ready
Holding on tight
Don't give away the end
The one thing that stays mine
You'll sit alone forever
If you wait for the right time
What are you hoping for?
I'm here I'm now I'm ready
Holding on tight
Don't give away the end
The one thing that stays mine...
A friend once told me that TRUST is a gift, not a burden. A good advice i might say.. I was told a SECRET last night. Although not a big one, but it still is a SECRET. So what do I do with all those SECRETS? I shall regard it as I never knew it. Even though he said, TRUST is a gift, but sometimes a SECRET can be a burden. Sigh, takpe takpe, tak baik mengeluh.. Crazy about The Fray now. Been listening to it everyday, bukak computer, mp3 player, dlm radio kereta je belum lagi cause my car kat work shop, poor zoe jane..
Abit about nothing
Anyways, what is UP with the weird change? Kenapa kadang2 baik, kadang2 tak? You know, sometimes you think you know someone, but apparently, you don't.. Apalagi someone that you don't quite know, lagi la taktau kan?
Abit about basically something but I regard it as nothing
Ever heard about instincts? I have a strong one about something, I could be right. Or wrong. The possibilities are only those two. But 1 thing for sure, I will never know if I'm right or wrong. And I don't think I'd wanna know if I'm right or wrong. Although, there's a small part of me, would like to know the truth. Maybe I'm wrong. I hope my instincts are wrong this time.. Because it just has to be.. It's probably nothing
Abit about nothing much but it's actually something
They're planning to go white water rafting.. and it's RM170.00 :( All I wanted was a barbeque and a frisbee :( Can water rafting wait? Till at least next year? I'd love to go rafting, tp RM170.00 is abit too expensive, considering that I'm still a student.. Dah la baru accident..
ok. so since the jadi, so here i am nak letak sket2 gambar me and friends and another friend's engagement and another friend's wedding.. check it out..
ok.. this is the other twin.. twin 2.. farhan ishak.. he is the loud one.. nonetheless, both are equally cute and equally adorable.. unidentical twins.. love em!
i have 2 songs called lately.. and i love both of them. the first one is a classic by jodeci now known as k-ci and jojo.. the one that i have is the time they sang during MTV's Live show.. back in the 90s.. another lately is from divine. a hit in 1999.. a sad but sweet one.. i highly recommend this song for those yg teringat kekasih lama.. or saat2 indah dahulu kala.. ok ok.. lately i have not much ideas to write. tu yg tulis merepek repek nih...
Read more...Dowa dowa.. mama took some old pictures me of me. and we mutually agreed that twin 1 (fahim) looks abit like me when i was a baby.. here's baby fahim. will put in farhan's pic when i get a still picture of him..
i was told that i am a very emotional person. sometimes i do agree with that fact. that's why i can't become a doctor, which was my dreams since i can even remember. but i guess i wasn't smart enough to be one. someone told me that you don't have to be a smart person to be a doctor. you just have to know stuff, meaning you have to read alot. betul ke? tapi malaysia punya sistem kena dapat 4.0 la baru bole jadi doctor.. so what happens to those who really wanted to be one, and capable of being one tapi tak dapat jadi sebab dia terdemam mase periksa finals ke? kesian kesian..
to be a doctor you have to be emotionless and rajin. which i dont have either. why am i talking about this doctor deal? sebabnya haritu tgk scrubs and ada lagu "the frey - how to save a life".. which i fell in love with instantly.. terus download and masuk my mp3 player..
but i learned that you don't have to be in a medical field to save someone's life. i know a lot of people who have saved my life, saved me from drowning, saved me from being someone that i am not.. you can save someone's life just by a sentence, a doa, a gesture, a smile.. so i guess that's how you save someone's life....
its been what.. 2 months since i've blogged? rite now im watching mya zara at tv3 while blogging. and azhar sulaiman looks super geeky.. eww.. cuma in real life, he looks wayy cuter. anyways, ikhwan called me from berlin tanya nak pesan apa.. i dunno nak jawab apa. i mean, he already bought me a HRC t shirt yg ada tulis berlin, cukup la tu rite? takpe la, i'll think of sumthing. plus he's going to muse's concert mlm ni.. aduhh.. tensionnyer i..hanya bole dengar jer dari berbatu - batu jauh.. huhu (chup, eja looks soo young and cute. and this ady putra pun not bad gak, tp sbnrnya dia muda).
so my exams are over. and now i have my 1 month break. but i juz got this research project under faculty social science. alhamdulillah la. but im charging them more this time.. jahat tak? ke tak? i'll negotiate la kan.. he's earning more from the kementerian.. agaknyer puluh2 ribu, what is rm2k to him rite? but the Dr. is super nice la so far.. okla nnt sambung, citer mya zara ni macam best la pulak...
wuz driving home.. tuned in to mix fm. Queen's "we are the champions" was on air, so i turned up the volume upto 20.. and sang my heart out.. didn't care if people were looking.. brought me back to PS time.. when me, rizleen, andrew & yee mei sang this song outloud in my myvi.. those were the days..
Reminiscing 10 years...
This time in...
1996 - dekat2 nak PMR [nerd]
1997 - adapting to boarding school life [best]
1998 - time time spm [tension]
1999 - kms [macam summer camp]
2000 - just joined ukm [nerd]
2001 - tak ingat
2002 - seriously tak ingat
2003 - struggling for final year.. oo masa ni best cause.. final year..
2004 - just joined PS.. very quite.. routine life
2005 - a year ago, it was hazy.. and i couldn't wait to get out of PS.. masa ni best cause it was not the end.. it was the beginning of a new life
2006 - student again.. loving it..
wish i could stay young and be a student forever.. how nice~
had a very unproductive 3 days...think i worked my asses off (really?) for the last 4 days, so sekarang macam dah penat.. (yeah, to people who are reading this and might be thinking, "ee.. itu pun dah penat? i lagi la...kerja macam..." you got that right. i get tired easily, satisfied?) need to charge my batteries so dat i can be energetic again on monday.. InsyaAllah.. I've got that 4 hour - Inference, Modelling (statistical), sampling and design class to concentrate on.. windy afternoon, makes you feel like you wanna sleep the whole afternoon.. till its maghrib time.. and after you kelam kabut mandi.. then you start to be energetic.. by the time you start your engines, its time for dinner.. that's when you start to mellow down again.. till its Gol & Gincu the siries.. and after a 30 minutes conversation with your significant other, you doze off to sleep... so when you do the math, i only really have a 4 productive days in a week.. heh~maybe bcoz i still haven't got my menses (is that how you spell it?) , tu yg macam mellow yellow...defensive offensive agressive and passive.. heh~~ ( <- this is my gelak tak larat)
Read more...oh dear
what have i done
i am soo sleepy
and its a wonderful windy friday afternoon
i am soo sleepy
but i cant sleep
very not in the mood to blog nowadays
i am becoming more and more lazy to blog
i havent been updating my true colors.. shining through blog.. sigh.... there are just soo many things to write.. but... im so not in the mood to write it... maybe i'll update later...
Read baked beans, susu or cereal. no nasi goreng or roti telor. just whatever that's in the cupboard. that's all.. that's all??? no baked beans, susu or cereal???
Read more...hi i just got back from my holidays. it was great. will blog about it later. penat la.. ta!
See.. look at me.. crying for attention... my sister at the back before her tarian at school.. Think i was only 4 years old .. hehe
Kelly, Dora, Din in front of 405 during Beta week :)
I miss these days.. Everything was less complicated than now
sometimes u feel like u can depend on someone.. but apparently u can't.. so here's to u.. thanks for being such an ass.. when i thought that you were my friend, but i guess i was wrong.. ur juz a sorry ass loser..
ok. so nobody knows this person. i juz felt like saying it.
Between MSN and YM, personally, I like yahoo better. Because the emoticons are just too cute! with that yellow round face moving about..aww..
But there's this one feature in MSN that YM doesn't have. It's called the 'silly face'. and if you look closely, it kinda looks like my nephew Aman.
Today, he called me at around 7.00 pm from his cell phone to tell me that he'll be back late. Usually, he'll come back around 6.00pm to have his lunch (minus the 6 hour difference, so that means 12.00pm in Germany) and goes back to finish his lab. It was a pleasant surprise :) Lately, he's been very super duper ultra mega pixel busy with his labs and lab reports and classes and his studies. But he still finds time to call me. We don't talk as often as we used to. But, there's never a day that we don't hear each other's voice :)
A few weeks ago, on one evening when i had nothing else to do, i googled, "how to survive a long distance relationship". Pathetic ay? And it seems that they have a technical term for it. It's called, LDR which stands for Long Distance Relationship. Funny stuff. But one of the important facts that I learned is that being in a LDR, both needs to understand each other that it takes two to make a LDR work.
Our LDR isn't perfect. Nobody is. I mean, we have our misunderstanding sometimes. However, I find that the misunderstanding that we have is not pointing out who's wrong or right but instead, its a process of understanding and learning more of each other.
But where's the beauty of LDR? The wait? The constant craving of attention? The missing of each other? The IDD phone calls? The memories? What? I guess it's the wait, the constant craving of attention, the missing of each other, the IDD calls and all the sweet memories that makes LDR beautiful on its own..
Those in a LDR, have faith and be strong. If he/she is worth the wait.. You'll know what to do :)
Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy
Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime
A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.
Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
my friend who was suffering from a terrible on-and-off breakup finally DID break up. i am happy for her, i guess. i know she's depressed. the thought of being with someone for four years and suddenly you're alone, it just gets to you.. sometimes. but loving yourself is much much more fulfilling than loving someone who doesnt love you.
i guess we all have our limits. there's a point in our lives that we just can't deal with it anymore. that's the point when you say, "that's it. i've had it. its over." only to find that all your efforts are left in vain.
sometimes you just wait on something and keep on hoping and hoping. hoping that it'll come. up to a point where u just feel tired of waiting. because everytime you wait, and hope that it'll come, and it doesnt come, you'll wait more. and the longer you wait, the higher your hopes become. and if you find your wait are meaningless, your hopes will be crushed.. that's when you say, "that's it." that's your limit.
Happiness is a decision you make,
not an emotion you feel ...
I got this at someone else's blog at random and i decided to quote on this one.
I've been happy all this while. I guess it's a decision that I made. Instead of my emotion that was telling me that I was happy. But how do I distinguish between my decision and my emotion? There's a fine line between those two. How do we know that we are happy because we decided to be happy or we simply felt happy?
I guess a simple example could help.
Ikhwan called. Emotions: happy
Somebody who I don't like called. Decision: happy
Watched Grey's Anatomy: Emotions: happy
Stuck in jam: Decision: happy
Ok. Let me rephrase the first paragraph.
My life right now is Alhamdulillah ok. I've been happy all this while. I guess it's a decision I made and my emotions that told me that I will be happy with my decision being happy :)
When you're feeling sad or blue, you have a decision to make. You can change your life for the better. It's all in your mind. So make that decision to be happy today!
The best things in life are free :
What Dora thinks that are the best things in her life that are free :)
1. Thinking about him who's staying 10,000 kms away, makes me feel like I'm right there next to him.
2. Sharing sunset
3. The smell of grass after the rain
4. His smile
5. Laughing really hard till you feel like you're stomach's gonna burst
6. Music
7. Time for yourself
8. Love from your loved ones
9. Ideas
10. Hugs and kisses
11. Wisdom
12. Inspiration
13. Strength
14. His scent
15. Silent moments together
Post a comment and share with me what are the best things in your life that are free! :)
Yup. I'm in that good lovey dovey mood tonite.. :)))
Hi! This is me in at the GREASE poster. Hehe. I really wanted to buy one of those GREASE T-shirts. But it was like RM40! And it was just simple black one.. and it was written GREASE on it. Gosh. I went with my sister in law, Kak War who treated me on this GREASE musical theathre held at Convention Centre, KL. This was my 25th bday present! cool ay!!
This is the part when they were doing the "Summer Loving" part. tell me more tell me more.. hehehe
This was when they did the "We go together" bit. chang chang chaggity chang shoo-bab.. we always be together.. wawawawooooooo.... hehehe
This is me during the 20 minutes intermission. We got good seats. Even though it was RM70. :)
Hey this is me again! I took this picture when the intermission was abt to start. This was when they had the dance at Rydell High. Check out the girl with her feet on the air!
Oh yes! The part when they did "Beauty School Drop Out". They singer was sensational! Very talented i tell ya!
"You better shape up"
The big finale!
The GREASE casts!
Oo okay.. Kak War with GREASE LIGHTNING background!
This is me again.. :)
The title explains...
Read more...When Allah created man, He created woman. Adam and Eve were made in heaven. They were made for each other. Eve was made from Adam's rib. Why did Allah took Adam's rib to create Eve? Of all the parts of his bones, Allah took his ribs?
I love this quote from my English teacher. She said it in one of our 'perhimpunan's on one of the Monday mornings. I shall remember this forever:-
When Allah created man, he also created woman.. and a woman was made from a man’s rib.. Because that’s where a woman belongs.. to a man’s rib.. under his arms to be protected.. above his feet to be respected.. and close to his heart to be loved..
Among many things that they say about women, it's undeniable that women are stronger than what men think. I mean, women can't lift a tonne of bricks, but Allah has created women having the strength that men cannot bear. Men don't know what it's like to have every month's period and having to bear the PMS. They cannot understand how strong yet delicate we are in struggling at work to be make known that women can do it, and sometimes does it better. That we have to work 5 times harder to make it in this world today simply because of the so-called-world says that men are better than women.
The saddest part is that when women are carrying their baby while the men go out to work, the men complain about being tired and go on and on about how they are the so-called-sole provider of the family. But hey, who's carrying that 4 kg baby around everyday and still don't complain? And not to mention the sagging breasts due to the raging hormones. Women still can cook, do house chores, go to work, clean the house, mop the floor and occassionally have 'night-activities', and we can still wake up the next morning to make breakfast. Why can we do it? Because we are women.
Please appreciate your mothers out there. They go through a deal to make you who you are today.
Husbands, please appreciate your wife. Guys who have girlfriend out there, if you really think that she's the one, please treat her nice.. And don't take her for granted.. Because a real man would know what's a women's worth..
Ladies, never let anyone make you feel like you don't deserve what you have. You are worth much more than you think. Because Allah made women that upholds strength and delicacy.. An impeccable combination
In one of the episodes of NUMB3RS,
Charlie Eppes: Larry, something went wrong, and I don't know what, and now it's like I can't even think.
Dr. Larry Fleinhardt: Well, let me guess: you tried to solve a problem involving human behavior, and it blew up in your face.
Charlie Eppes: Yeah, pretty much.
Dr. Larry Fleinhardt: Okay, well, Charles, you are a mathematician, you're always looking for the elegant solution. Human behavior is rarely, if ever, elegant. The universe is full of these odd bumps and twists. You know, perhaps you need to make your equation less elegant, more complicated; less precise, more descriptive. It's not going to be as pretty, but it might work a little bit better. Charlie, when you're working on human problems, there's going to be pain and disappointment. You gotta ask yourself, is it worth it?
Yep he's right. After much disappointment of not getting into Medical School (which I am thankful for), I found my path, and am still working on it. I know I'm not that smart in Maths, I like things to be certain and explainable.
When you work with numbers or trying to prove or solve a problem, there are guidelines and theories to support your work. And you can explain and understand the logic behind the explanation. If it can't be expressed mathematically, it's not a fact, but opinion. We all know that different people have different opinion and everyone has the right to their own opinion.
However, working with human problems is a whole different story. I didn't take any psychology paper (but my sister is doing her post grad is psychology..sheesh), but when you're studying the human behavior, you're proving more elusive than expected. Why? Because everyone is unique and the theories and philosophies doesn't always fit the person. We are all different in our thinking, our environment, education and beliefs.
For instance, take a human problem, say, being unfaithful in a relationship. You see, if you have experienced a relationship whereby your partner was unfaithful to you, when you move on in another relationship, there's a big possibility that you'll be more careful in choosing your partner or trusting him or her. But how fair is it to the new person in your life? He/ She may not have any intention of being unfaithful to you, but because you have that one bad experience, you sorta not trust him/ her truly. It's a sad theory. And the inequality degree of trustness cannot be explained through universal theories. The logic behind it is fuzzy and reasons are left dangling.
Now I understand what Dr. Larry Fleinhardt meant when he said when working on human problems, there's gonna be pain and disappointment. And I guess we need to ask ourselves sometimes, is it worth it..? You know the answer.
On one of the fine boring days at home, I tried googling myself.. Try it.. It's fun!
Ok, so I'm just blogging this, just for the sake of blogging.. I have things to write but why am i so darn lazy to write it? what's wrong with me? Is it the yawning? maybe it is.. finally im able to sleep well again.. like normal people do.. you know, the usual 12 - 6 sleep? like, those kinds...? ever been there?
but this whole googling yourself thing, you should really try it.. you never know.. who might be writing about you, in their blogs.. and one day you discover that there's a total psycho who writes every single thing about what you do, where you eat and where's your favourite hangout and stuff... really.. do it.. now.......
I'm 25. The feeling is great. Though many people may say, "Sigh.. I'm 25." But it's okay for me I guess..
I got a really cool MP3 player from Ikhwan for my 25 birthday present. He had it posted from Ireland last month! The Creative Zen Microphoto.. and I only got the chance to use it today.. long story.. but yay!
My family took me out for Chinese Dinner at KGNS.. Nyummy.. It's been a while since all 12 of us go out for dinner together.. and everybody was around this time.. I'm really happy that everybody came :) though I was unwell during my bday.. I was on the bed most of the time.. :( had flew.. but all the birthday wishes made me happy :)
Yesterday, I went to Lot 10 to get our GREASE tix.. my brother and sis in law is treating me for GREASE the musical! how cool is that???!!! and i got myself some GREASY shoes to go with it.. I just couldnt resist those VINCCI shoes.. It's my first pink color shoes.. I had a pink shoe once.. when i was 6 i think.. :) now i'm 25.. :)
It's great being 25 :)
2 nights ago, I had a terrible insomnia attack.. I couldnt even yawn.. Even when I tried, I couldn't.. And I thought, that was it... I hadn't had insomnia since... since 8 months ago i guess.. The last time I had it was in September.. And I told Ikhwan about it..
It's crazy when u think about so many things when you're having insomnia..And somehow all the ideas started to flow.. like water coming out from pipe.. and all i did was lay down on my bed... and just think.. think and think and think and think.. till i think i thought about almost everything.. i think.. almost everything... up to the point where i think about when are the times, when i can think more.. while doing something..for instance, i think about stuff during im doing these three things:-
1. washing my car
2. washing my clothes
3. washing the plates
and i thought, washing is the best time to think.. for me that is..
when you're washing, the work is being done physically. my dad always say, jangan rugi2 kan ur energy. while you're exercising ur physical movement, your mind must exercise too..
i used to do my thinking when i jog.. cause what else can u do while u jog? you cant read.. you definately cant wash ur car..
you see, why am i writing all this? its because i had sooooo many things to write.. but its just gone.. just like that..
im amazed that one incident, can get you thinking all night.. and one incident can make all the thinking gone...
its something like magic.. so people call it love.. or hate or wisdom.. i dunno.. wicked...
The last time I remember having insomnia was exactly about 8 months ago. That's when I decided to change my bed position (just trying the feng shui deal). So last night, after many many many nights of good sleep, i was sleeples... and i'm talking really SLEEPLESS. I didnt even yawn, I couldnt! even when i forced myself to yawn... I couldnt!
So I was thinking, this is crazy.. This must be one of those nights.. where u just.. CANT SLEEP..
Ok, so I'll continue in the next blog...
I'm out of ideas.. I don't have any ideas on what to write anymore. I think it's because I don't go out that much nowadays.. It sometimes happen to me.. I guess.. This really blows.... Going out today.. for a movie..
Read more...I hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. - Alfred Tennyson
Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle. - Amy Bloom
Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings. - Anais Nin
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of. - Blaise Pascal
Why love if losing hurts so much? We love to know that we are not alone. - C.S Lewis
Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing. - Elie Wiesel
It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. - Friedrich Nietzsche
To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. - George Macdonald
There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. - George Sand
Love is only half the illusion; the lover, but not his love, is deceived. - George Santayana
If I know what love is, it is because of you. - Herman Hesse
I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each others dreams, we can be together all the time. - Calvin & Hobbes
Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear. - John Lennon
Love vanquishes time. To lovers, a moment can be eternity, eternity can be the tick of a clock. - Mary Parrish
Where there is love there is life. - Gandhi
The best love affairs are those we never had. - Norman Lindsay
Do you love me because I'm beautiful, or am I am beautiful because you love me? - Oscar Hammerstein
The first duty of love is to listen. - Paul Tillish
I love you
Not only for what you are
But for what I am
When I am with you - Roy Croft ** My personal favourite :)
Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young. - Sir Arthur Pinero
Where there is love, there is pain. - Spanish Proverb
Love all, trust a few. - Shakespeare
I know, it's hard. People deserve a second chance. But the thing is, love yourself. Love yourself so that you won't be betrayed by the one that you love. My sister always say, If that person betrays you once, it's his/her fault. But if that person betrays you twice, it's your fault that you trusted him/her too much up to the point that he/she betrays you again.
Never let anyone make you feel like you are second best. You are worth much more than that. Every one is unique. Every one deserves to be loved. Everyone deserves to feel that special feeling when you are in love. That feeling is priceless. And never let anybody put a price on you because you are priceless. Love is a wonderful feeling. There's no amount of money can buy that feeling.
Ok. I've been in that state, you know, the state that you feel like you can't live without him. And you feel like there's no one else who would want to be with you if you let him go.
Yes I know. It feels real. The feeling is real. Love is a big risk. It's like giving your heart away to someone who may or may not love you as much as you love him. You're lucky if he loves you back. You're even luckier if he loves you even more. But what if you're not lucky? What if he doesn't love you. Or he thinks that he loves you but he's not that in to you? How do you deal with that?
It's sad. Some people become depressed. They go out, have a drink, try to do all sorts of crazy stuff. Because they have an excuse. They are depressed. Some people take it calmly. They just move on. Though their hearts may be broken, but they manage to heal by themselves.
I used to believe in the saying, "If you love someone, let him go. If he's comes back, he's yours. If he doesn't, he never was yours to begin with". Yes. I used to believe in this. But how fair is it? If you let him go, he will feel unwanted. He will feel hurt. Is it fair to hurt the one that you love? And if he comes back, what if he does the same to you? One day, he suddenly decides to let you go? How would you feel? You'll feel unwanted. You'll feel hurt. And will you go running back to him? All the pain and misery that both of you felt, is it worth it?
I am a believer. I believe that love will find its way. And sometimes love will find its way out. If someone stopped loving you, that simply means, love is trying to find its way out. It gives reasons not to see you, not to talk to you. It can change someone drastically.
I believe that if you love someone, I mean truly love someone, hold on to him/her. And never let go. Because when someone gives you his/her heart, it means he/she trusts you. He regards you as his half. And if you let go, it would mean that you're rejecting his/her heart. And the heart will be broken. Once a heart is broken, it takes time to put it back into pieces.
If you love someone, don't let him go. Hold on to him. And if he loves you as much as you love him, he'll never let you go. That's love...
So the other day, my fren called me but she couldnt talk.. She was crying so hard till she couldnt say a word.. So I asked her to come over to my place so that we can talk..
The next day, she came over.. And told me that she hasnt been seeing her boyfriend for months.. And he has been giving her 'coldplay' ever since he started work. He'd always give reasons that he's meeting his friends and he has activities with his school and everything.
We got to talking about this issue and she decided to see him to ask about their status. What did she get? When she went to meet him, all he did was SMS with his 'friend' and ignored her. My friend had travelled from Sunway to Gombak to see him, and he gives her shit.
As she wanted to open her mouth to start a conversation, he says, "What time do you wanna go back? I have something else to do".. SICK I tell u!
My friend said its okay.. and she took off.. Later that night, she SMSed him and wrote, "I feel that you don't love me anymore.. what happened to us?" and he replied, "im busy. can we talk about this issue later?"
So i told her to move on. I bluntly said to my friend, HE DOESNT LOVE U ANYMORE. but she said, she loves him.. and he loves her too.. only that his love is not as great as hers..
And then, i got to thinking.. when you love someone.. do you love that person, give that person hope, and crush it to million of pieces? and just leave that person you so-called-love hanging without any explanation watsoever? Is that love? I mean, really? Is THAT LOVE?
Love is not just love. Love comes with commitments, understanding and tolak ansur (what is it in English again?) TOLERANCE.
That's the story that I want to share about my friend.. If only there's a way to help her out... To make her see that love is beautiful.. love doesnt mean misery and sadness..
One of my friends is having a hard time trying to deal with her so-called-soon-to-be break up. You see, she has been with this guy for the past 4 years and they were really close in college. They went out almost everynight, studied together at the library and they were happy. After graduation, my friend went back to her hometown as she got her first job. The guy was still jobless.. Those days, it was hard to get a job if you're a fresh graduate. So I think the guy felt a bit challenged, so he seldom call her, seldom go and meet her.. His reasons were, he didn't have any money and he didn't feel right that the girlfriend had to fork out money whenever they'd go out. Several months had passed, finally, he got a job. So, my friend was thrilled! She felt like things would go back as it was before. She got a job here in KL, so did her boyfriend. But I guess, things weren't that smooth. The guy seldom give reasons not to see her.. Busy with this, busy with that, meeting his friends, watching football and stuff.
So as a girl, we would want some attention from our boyfriends right? She felt lonely. She got what she wanted, (him being in KL) but I guess, that's not what she really wanted. 4 months had passed, they never meet or go out as normal couples would do on weekends. I though, there must be something wrong with this picture. I mean, who does that?
I'll continue in the next blog...
When Taurus and Cancer come together in a love affair, it's usually a very good combination. They are two positions apart within the Zodiac, and such Signs tend to share karmic ties and a deep mutual understanding. These particular two Signs have much in common: Both prize security in a love relationship above almost all else; both tend to be nurturers (Cancer is emotionally nurturing while Taurus loves to spoil their lover with sensual delights, gifts and good, rich meals). They're both quite domestic and love a quiet night spent at home with their sweetie.
The Taurus-Cancer partnership tends to be a happy one due to this mutual enjoyment of the security and comfort of home. They love a solid home base, a strong relationship, nice possessions, good food: all the comforts of domestic life. Theirs is often the ideal family that people of other Signs strive for, with strong ties between them and a relationship that is family-oriented rather than toward the outside world. Their only major problems arise when Taurus insists on having its own way and Cancer responds by sulking. Taurus must understand Cancer's emotional sensitivity, and Cancer needs rely on open, honest communication than on emotional blackmail.
Taurus is ruled by Venus (Love) and Cancer is ruled by the Moon (Emotions). Both of these celestial bodies vibrate with feminine energy. Cancer often keeps emotions bottled up and simmering inside, which can lead to occasional boil-overs. Thus, Cancer is attracted to Taurus's open, honest, unafraid nature. As the Moon controls the tides of the Earth, quietly affecting all life, so does Cancer, manipulating behind the scenes. Cancer tends to be sentimental, and both partners prefer to enjoy each other rather than socializing with large groups.
Taurus is an Earth Sign and Cancer is a Water Sign. Water and Earth are compatible as tangible, physical entities. As a Water Sign, Cancer is born to nurture an Earth Sign like Taurus the way rain nurtures Earth and helps crops grow. In turn, Taurus tends to have a more stable view of life than does Cancer and is less prone to emotional turmoil; therefore, Taurus can help Cancer stabilize their tumultuous feelings. Both Signs must be careful in this relationship, however: Taurus may tire of Cancer's mood swings, and Cancer may in turn feel that Taurus is insensitive to their needs.
Taurus is a Fixed Sign and Cancer is a Cardinal Sign. Taurus has Fixed habits; they won't change an opinion once it's formed. This can provide Cancer with an emotional rock, as Taurus is entirely dedicated to the relationship. In turn, Cancer can bring new inspiration to the relationship and start new projects that Taurus will enjoy taking over later.
What's the best aspect of the Taurus-Cancer relationships? The steady, reliable team they make. Both Signs are dependable and nurturing, strongly oriented toward domestic life together. A mutual love of home and security makes theirs an ideal long-term, family relationship.
A Must See Romantic-Comedy
It's 1939. The ebullient, playful Guido comes to town. He works as a waiter under his uncle's eye, an elegant man who is also a Jew. Guido falls for Dora, a schoolteacher, whom he calls "princess" and courts by popping up at unexpected times. She dumps her fiancé to choose Guido. The film jumps ahead to the last months of the war. Dora and Guido have a child, Giosué, and when Guido and the lad are shipped to a concentration camp, Dora voluntarily follows. Although the men and women in the camp are separated and a child is in mortal peril, Guido finds ways to communicate with Dora, to hide Giosué, and to convince him this is an elaborate game, a special contest to win a tank.
Mya sits by the window sill in her room.. waiting for midnight.. She hears the grandfather clock. It’s midnight, and she waits for that one shooting star to pass by.. Her eyes gazes into the blue sky, which seems bright from the moon and stars at night..
Mya waits by the window sill.. for that one shooting star that promised her it will come and grant her birthday wish...
Mya turns 5 today.. She is happy that she can finally count her age with all of her small five fingers.. Mya is happy because she believes in fairy tales that once you are five, a shooting star will come and make your wishes come true…
Mya wishes to be a Princess and meet her Prince.. and live in a beautiful castle on top of the hill..
Mya waits by the window sill.. waiting for that one shooting star… Hoping and waiting for the one shooting star to come and grant her wishes…
Mya waits and waits…She closes her eyes and says to the sky,
“I’m wishing on a wishing star so that my wishes can come true
I’m wishing on a wishing star so that I can see you”
Mya waits and waits… for that one wishing star to make her wishes come true…
This is Cinderella.. My niece wants to be like Cinderella... Her name is Nur Izzah...
Was the movie Stepmom? I think so.. Well, here's the thing, I have developed this strange interest in photography. If I have enough money, I'm gonna buy myself those really big digital cameras, like the ones that cameraman uses at a wedding ceremony.. Maybe I can do it part time? Since I've always been assigned to take pictures at weddings.. cause I'm not shy to go and snap pictures up close and personal... :)
I love this snapshot.. It was taken using my cameraphone.. But I love the angle and the light.
This is Aidil's (Niza's husband) Mitsubishi Lancer EVO VI.
After lunch, I watched a little bit of Buletin 1.30. And the Parliament were discussing about the most expensive car plat number JJJ 1 is valued at RM 150,000.00. They were questioning about where the money went and why is it valued at such.
And all while I was thinking, we have bigger problems here in the country. We're talking about the Shashi Gangs, premarital sex, snatchers, ah-longs, mobs, poverty.. and they're arguing about car plat numbers? What's wrong with them? I mean, really....?
My history teacher once asked.. what is the most inappropriate name for a place in malaysia, but they still have not changed it till today? That's your answer guys ;)
I know I know.. I have nothing else to do.. I'll be updating my blog quite frequently since I'm on a 2 months break..
To celebrate my 8th month being with Ikhwan, here are some photos.. I know.. this is sooo poyo..but I don't care.. I miss him soo much... :( [gambar didelete untuk merahsiakan identiti] :p
This picture was taken on 11th September 2005, this is the 2nd picture Ikhwan took of me standing by the putrajaya bridge.. the first picture that he took, i had my eyes closed.. hehe..
at that time malu malu la konon.. segan nak amik gambar.. i was afraid that if later he looked at the picture, he might realise that i'm not that pretty and change his mind.. hehe.. but he's not like that at all :)
Love his hazel eyes.... :)
We had our first picnic at tasik titiwangsa where we shared pizza. it was a lot of fun. I brought our school magazine and we laughed our heart out when we saw our pictures when we were in form 4.. funny.. after that, we watched the sunset together for the first time.. i took my glasses off cause i didnt want him to see me with my nerdy glasses :( then he held my hands and we walked back towards 'Angelina' (his car).. it was the best picnic ever!
I took this picture with both of my hands.. this is what i like to call.. the heavenly picture.. to those of you who are in cloud 9.. silalah pergi ke botanical garden around 5ish and take loads of pictures.. with your boyfriendla of course.. :)
I remember the first time we held hands.. it was so sweet.. :) teringat la pulak.. damn.. i miss him.. :(
Never let go...
Ooo okay... after the photo session at botanical garden... we decided to take some pictures with Angelina.. and this picture was taken senget because we used some guy's iswara to put the digital camera on it.. hehe.. i like this one too... :)
And at last.. this is me with my favourite red sweater.. this time was the 'baru je buang barang lama' ritual... :) i love u ikhwan.. and i miss u soo much...
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