What we know, and they don't.. A tribute to women

>> Tuesday, May 16, 2006

When Allah created man, He created woman. Adam and Eve were made in heaven. They were made for each other. Eve was made from Adam's rib. Why did Allah took Adam's rib to create Eve? Of all the parts of his bones, Allah took his ribs?

I love this quote from my English teacher. She said it in one of our 'perhimpunan's on one of the Monday mornings. I shall remember this forever:-

When Allah created man, he also created woman.. and a woman was made from a man’s rib.. Because that’s where a woman belongs.. to a man’s rib.. under his arms to be protected.. above his feet to be respected.. and close to his heart to be loved..

Among many things that they say about women, it's undeniable that women are stronger than what men think. I mean, women can't lift a tonne of bricks, but Allah has created women having the strength that men cannot bear. Men don't know what it's like to have every month's period and having to bear the PMS. They cannot understand how strong yet delicate we are in struggling at work to be make known that women can do it, and sometimes does it better. That we have to work 5 times harder to make it in this world today simply because of the so-called-world says that men are better than women.

The saddest part is that when women are carrying their baby while the men go out to work, the men complain about being tired and go on and on about how they are the so-called-sole provider of the family. But hey, who's carrying that 4 kg baby around everyday and still don't complain? And not to mention the sagging breasts due to the raging hormones. Women still can cook, do house chores, go to work, clean the house, mop the floor and occassionally have 'night-activities', and we can still wake up the next morning to make breakfast. Why can we do it? Because we are women.

Please appreciate your mothers out there. They go through a deal to make you who you are today.

Husbands, please appreciate your wife. Guys who have girlfriend out there, if you really think that she's the one, please treat her nice.. And don't take her for granted.. Because a real man would know what's a women's worth..

Ladies, never let anyone make you feel like you don't deserve what you have. You are worth much more than you think. Because Allah made women that upholds strength and delicacy.. An impeccable combination


lillix 3:20 PM  

you go girl... Go dora!...

Anonymous 8:05 AM  

I totally agree 100%!!

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