I'd love to become a photographer like Julia Roberts in Stepmom

>> Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Was the movie Stepmom? I think so.. Well, here's the thing, I have developed this strange interest in photography. If I have enough money, I'm gonna buy myself those really big digital cameras, like the ones that cameraman uses at a wedding ceremony.. Maybe I can do it part time? Since I've always been assigned to take pictures at weddings.. cause I'm not shy to go and snap pictures up close and personal... :)

I love this snapshot.. It was taken using my cameraphone.. But I love the angle and the light.
This is Aidil's (Niza's husband) Mitsubishi Lancer EVO VI.


lucky 9:19 AM  

haa.. tu ler.. kalu kalu ada rezeki.. insyaAllah I'll buy one of those really big and bulky digital camera, pastu bole la.. hehe.. so when's the big date? hehe

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