What do they call it again?...LDR...?

>> Thursday, May 25, 2006

Today, he called me at around 7.00 pm from his cell phone to tell me that he'll be back late. Usually, he'll come back around 6.00pm to have his lunch (minus the 6 hour difference, so that means 12.00pm in Germany) and goes back to finish his lab. It was a pleasant surprise :) Lately, he's been very super duper ultra mega pixel busy with his labs and lab reports and classes and his studies. But he still finds time to call me. We don't talk as often as we used to. But, there's never a day that we don't hear each other's voice :)

A few weeks ago, on one evening when i had nothing else to do, i googled, "how to survive a long distance relationship". Pathetic ay? And it seems that they have a technical term for it. It's called, LDR which stands for Long Distance Relationship. Funny stuff. But one of the important facts that I learned is that being in a LDR, both needs to understand each other that it takes two to make a LDR work.

Our LDR isn't perfect. Nobody is. I mean, we have our misunderstanding sometimes. However, I find that the misunderstanding that we have is not pointing out who's wrong or right but instead, its a process of understanding and learning more of each other.

But where's the beauty of LDR? The wait? The constant craving of attention? The missing of each other? The IDD phone calls? The memories? What? I guess it's the wait, the constant craving of attention, the missing of each other, the IDD calls and all the sweet memories that makes LDR beautiful on its own..

Those in a LDR, have faith and be strong. If he/she is worth the wait.. You'll know what to do :)


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